Why do I get abdominal pain right after eating a banana?

When I look up abdominal pain and bananas, they say to eat bananas because they are bland. Not me. They cause immediate pain. I’ve experimented with other foods to ensure it is in fact bananas causing it.

The “worst” criticism of bananas that I can find on the net is that they are a mild laxative. For me, however, they are a strong, almost instantaneous laxative, sometimes accompanied by stomach cramping, which can be severe.

I have heard others warn against eating bananas that are too green, saying this causes discomfort for them. My doctor has no information on these effects. Bananas are known to be a very good source of potassium. My personal theory is that, for some people, ingesting a banana results in an intolerably high level of the potassium in the body. The body attempts to rid itself of the “offending” substance as rapidly as possible. If I am correct , the use of “lite salt” exacerbates the problem, as lite salt is mostly KCl. BTW, my doctor is still scratching his head over this

5 Responses

  1. reeferman49686swoman Says:

    You may have an allergy to them. If you are allergic to latex you may as well be allergic to bananas as well.
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  2. BigSexyMami Says:

    Sounds like you are intolerant to something in the Banana if not the Banana itself
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  3. Helmut Says:

    The "worst" criticism of bananas that I can find on the net is that they are a mild laxative. For me, however, they are a strong, almost instantaneous laxative, sometimes accompanied by stomach cramping, which can be severe. I have heard others warn against eating bananas that are too green, saying this causes discomfort for them. My doctor has no information on these effects.

    Bananas are known to be a very good source of potassium. My personal theory is that, for some people, ingesting a banana results in an intolerably high level of the potassium in the body. The body attempts to rid itself of the "offending" substance as rapidly as possible.

    If I am correct , the use of "lite salt" exacerbates the problem, as lite salt is mostly KCl.

    BTW, my doctor is still scratching his head over this
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  4. shubiz Says:

    hey my son has the same problem..i think it has to do with how ripe they are…if they are not ripe enough he gets a tummy ache
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  5. eagle9465 Says:

    Peel the banana first! I agree with the person that said the ripeness may be the problem. If I eat the "green" bananas I get an upset tummy…the riper ones don't do that to me. Plus the riper ones taste better too!
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