Did you know … you can use banana skins as fertilizer for your plants?

This is a comprehensive site about Banana, bannana or bananna!
As Banana site grows we will cover banana recipes for all sorts of things, banana drinks, banana diet and nutrition, banana facts, information about banana trees, skins and all sorts of other banana related information.
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Banana Margarita Glass
Lolita banana margarita glass featuring the hand-painted margarita design by Lolita. Perfect for margarita lovers and part of the love my margarita collection from Tracy Lolita Yancy, this high quality glassware is a unique piece of art and comes individually gift boxed. 12 oz. margarita glass comes with a unique margarita recipe printed on the bottom of the glass.
A quick favorite with the collector’s, be sure and check out the entire Lolita Love my Margarita collection. YES….we have had to raise our prices due to manufacturer requirements, drop us an email and we will send you a coupon code for an additional discount (LIMITED TIME OFFER…)
Banana Cream Pie Scented Candles
Paula Deen’s favorite desserts come to life in this delicious home fragrance candle collection. Included on the ribbon hang tag is Paula’s recipe for Banana Cream Pie, the dessert these candles so amazingly capture in fragrance.
Size: Large 38 oz filled rib jar
Tonic fruit cocktail:
Ingredients: a tangerine, an orange, a red grapefruit.
Preparation method: use the fruit-squeezer.
The energy dose includes: vitamin A, B1, C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and copper.
Healthy cocktail:
Ingredients: two bananas, some honey.
Preparation method: mix the bananas with some water. You may add some honey after you mix the bananas.
The energy dose includes: vitamin A, B, C, and E.
Healthy carrot cocktail:
Ingredients: four carrots, some lemon, and a few leaves of mint.
Preparation method: clean and wash the carrots. Put them into the squeezer with two leaves of mint. If you wish, add lemon.
The energy dose includes: vitamin B1, B6, and K.
Red fruits cocktail:
Ingredients: 3.50 oz of blackberries, bilberries, and gooseberries.
Preparation method: mix them and add sugar to taste.
The energy dose includes: vitamin A, B1, C, D, and potassium.
The delicious cocktail:
Ingredients: two pears, four apples, and some lemon.
Preparation method: cut the apples and pears into slices then put them in the squeezer. Add some lemon juice. Drink it while it`s fresh!
The energy dose includes: vitamin C, B3, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
The energizing cocktail:
Ingredients: an orange, a lemon, and two carrots.
Preparation method: squeeze the carrots. Add the lemon juice, then orange juice and mix them well.
The energy dose contains: vitamin A, C, B1, B3, B6, magnesium, copper, and zinc.
The revitalizing cocktail:
Ingredients: an orange, a quarter of pineapple, and two carrots.
Preparation method: cut the carrots and pineapple into slices then put them in the squeezer. Mix the juice with orange juice.
The energy dose contains: A, C, B1, B6, and K.
To read the rest of this article, go to www.projectweightloss.com , an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and other weight loss tools. Visit www.projectweightloss.com and start losing weight today! Andrea Pelin http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/energy-cocktails-help-you-move-on-105591.html
Whether it is a tired eyes, wrinkles, insect bites or burns, there are times that things can happen to your skin. With the following organic skin care recipes and tips, you can treat various ailments naturally, leaving behind many of the man made pollutants that are absorbed into our bodies through most over the counter aids.
Insect Bites:
Recipe #1: Mix 1 drop of organic almond essential oil and 2 tablespoons baking soda and 4 tablespoons of distilled water to form a paste. Apply to bite and let sit for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and pat dry
Recipe #2: Mix 8 ounces distilled water with 2 tablespoons Epsom Salt. Apply compress made of a wash cloth soaked this mixture.
Recipe # 1: Cut organic Thompson seedless grapes in half and crush on wrinkles, especially near eyes and mouth. Leave the juice on your face for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water, repeat daily.
Recipe # 2: Mash a very ripe organic banana extremely well, apply to entire face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Oily Skin/ Acne:
Recipe #1: Make a mask of 1/4 organic apple (cored but unpeeled), 1 organic egg white, 1/2 organic lemon (peeled and deseeded), 30 organic Thompson seedless grapes, 4 tablespoons organic watercress (finely chopped). Blend all ingredients on medium for 3 minutes. Apply to face using cotton balls and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #2: Mix 1/4 cup organic yogurt (plain) with 1 tablespoon brewer’s yeast. The mixture should be runny; if not, add a bit more brewers yeast. Apply to oily zones and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #3: Mix 1/2 cup organic oat flour, juice from 1/2 organic orange, and 1 teaspoon organic honey. Apply to face and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #1: This remedy should be made in advance and kept for times when it is needed. First you will need to create 4 special oils. You will need organic extra virgin olive oil, three airtight, glass jars and 4 fresh organic herbs: calendula, plantain, red clover, and St. Johns Wort.
Let the herbs wilt for one day, then put each type in its own jar and cover the herbs with olive oil. Close the jars and leave in direct sunlight for two weeks. Strain oil to use. Once your oils are made, you will need 1/4 cup of each of your special oils and 1 cup organic beeswax.
Melt the oils and beeswax in a large, microwave safe bowl, pour into an airtight, glass jar and let cool. If the mixture is too runny after completely cooling, you need to add a bit more beeswax and melt again, if it is too thick, add a bit more oil and melt again. Apply to wounds when needed much like you would with ready made antibacterial ointments.
Recipe #2:Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.
Recipe #1: Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it. Because Epsom Salt draws toxins out of the skin and acts as an anti inflammatory, this bath will draw the splinter to the surface.
Recipe #2: Bandage a thin slice of organic potato over the splinter and let stay overnight. Potato draws things out of the skin and the splinter should be to the surface by morning.
Sunburn Relief:
Recipe #1: Mix 5 organic cucumbers (pureed) and 2 1/2 cups powdered milk in a bowl. Pour mixture into tepid/warm bath and soak burned areas for 20 minutes. The mixture can be applied directly to the burned skin, if you prefer.
Recipe #2: Soak the burned area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a tepid/warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.
Tired Eyes:
Grate raw potato and wrap in cheesecloth. Apply to eyelids for 20 minutes, wiping the starchy residue away before applying makeup.
Louise Forrest
If you have acne, you most likely know that it is not a simple thing to get rid of. If you find yourself tired of making and paying for doctor’s visits and costly prescription medications, or if you would rather just try a much more natural approach to curing your ailment, why not try an alternative or natural acne treatment?
Studies have shown acne can be treated naturally. Natural healing works with the body to achieve desired results. It is believed that if we are healthy on the inside, it will show through to our skin. Therefore, it just seems right that natural and alternative treatments first encourage good nutrition and proper diet. Although foods do not cause acne, they can worsen it. By avoiding these, we can help ourselves. Drinking lots of water is also encouraged.
Massage therapy seeks to open blocked pores. It is believed energy pathways will encourage healthy skin. This is accomplished also through acupuncture or reflexology. Acupuncture can also be used to restore hormonal balance to our bodies. It treats the root of the problem and may require you to make some lifestyle changes. Yoga is also used to relieve stress and body tension.
Once good nutrition and stress reducers are introduced, there are some creams and pastes, which can be applied to acne blemishes. Along the lines of aromatherapy, tree tea oil is a natural antiseptic that can kill bacteria. It can be applied directly to the affected areas or mixed with another oil and applied to the entire face. It will reduce redness and inflammation and works like benzoyl peroxide. Baking soda mixed with a small amount of water will create a paste that will be a great scrubbing agent. It will exfoliate your skin. By exfoliating, surface layers of cells that clog pores are removed. Gently massage it on your face for 15 seconds, rinse and pat dry. Aloe Vera is a topical treatment for burns and helps heal acne. In addition, plain oatmeal, cooked, cooled and rubbed on the skin will absorb excess oil and rid your skin of impurities. Repeated treatments of this will produce results.
A natural acne cream you can make at home would combine 1/2 of a banana, 1 small avocado and 1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E in a blender. Apply this to your face for several minutes. Plain yogurt is also a good moisturizer. You can also grind several almonds and add to a little bit of water. This will create a moisturizing paste that also exfoliates.
You can also choose foods that help your digestive system. Cucumbers, lemons and carrot juice all aid in this endeavor. Many believe diet can be the best acne cure. Herbs are also believed to be able to reduce inflammation and infection. Echinacea, licorice, dandelion root and burdock all contain properties that kill bacteria. Salvia and red peony can improve the skin’s ability to heal.
Trying to treat your acne by alternative or natural treatments is an option you can consider if you are afflicted with this skin problem. You really don’t have anything to loose, but you do have something to gain. You can gain control of your skin without exposing yourself to chemicals, side effects or painful procedures.
Matthew Hick
Banana Margarita Glass by Lolita
Discover the most unique glassware line in the world today, themed margarita glasses designed by Lolita! Each hand painted margarita glass features a design inspired by a delicious margarita recipe, which is printed on the bottom of the glass! These are truly functional collectibles, make a terrific gift, and create instant conversation. Each margarita glass comes distinctively gift boxed.
When I look up abdominal pain and bananas, they say to eat bananas because they are bland. Not me. They cause immediate pain. I’ve experimented with other foods to ensure it is in fact bananas causing it.
The “worst” criticism of bananas that I can find on the net is that they are a mild laxative. For me, however, they are a strong, almost instantaneous laxative, sometimes accompanied by stomach cramping, which can be severe.
I have heard others warn against eating bananas that are too green, saying this causes discomfort for them. My doctor has no information on these effects. Bananas are known to be a very good source of potassium. My personal theory is that, for some people, ingesting a banana results in an intolerably high level of the potassium in the body. The body attempts to rid itself of the “offending” substance as rapidly as possible. If I am correct , the use of “lite salt” exacerbates the problem, as lite salt is mostly KCl. BTW, my doctor is still scratching his head over this