Jun 29

Any dessert that you’ve made with bananas that tastes great : )

Thanks so much!

Chocolate Banana Smoothie

1 Banana cut into chunks

1 cup ice cubes

1 cup chocolate milk

1 cup vanilla yogurt

Put all of the ingredients in a blender and puree.

Pour into 4 chilled glasses and severe at once……

Jun 9

If you have any easy good smoothie recipes I’d really appreciate it!!

Thank you!

I just break the banana up in a blender, cover with soy milk, add a couple dollops of plain yoghurt w/some honey to sweeten, give that a good whirl, and then just start adding frozen raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, or blueberries, all the colors, in what ever combination you like….and add some mango or pineapple, too. I just keep adding the frozen stuff until it thickens and gets frosty, pour it into a glass, and then enjoy it with a spoon. It makes a big smoothie, but in your condition that shouldn’t matter. Don’t sweat the measurements…when it’s thick, it’s done, easy. It’s screaming with antioxidants and berry-licious!

Apr 22

Banana-Berry Smoothies and Other Breakfast Recipes“Provides fun and unique recipes for breakfast including banana-berry smoothies, crispy apple strudel, and a stuffed French toast. Includes easy instructions and a helpful tools glossary with photos”–Provided by publisher.

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Apr 18


Do you want to eat healthier but do not know where to start? Are you trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet but are finding it difficult to eat five servings or more a day? What about all the supplements and antioxidants you read about? How do you keep it all straight? Who has time to sort through the data much less prepare and eat everything you should?

The solution may lie in a smoothie! Smoothies are fruit based concoctions usually blended with milk or yogurt and an unlimited selection of “add-ons” and blended until smooth. Smoothies are ultra-fast, convenient, rejuvenating, energizing meal replacements. If you choose your ingredients carefully, your smoothie can relieve fatigue and constipation, balance your blood sugar, establish proper PH levels in your colon, and improve mental sharpness.

The real beauty of smoothies lies in their versatility. You can incorporate as many of the “shoulds” into your smoothie as you like. You “should” take more Vitamin C. You “should” take cod liver oil every day. You “should” introduce seaweeds and algaes into your diet. The “shoulds” are varied and numerous.

A smoothie is a fabulous solution because it is much easier to pour a teaspoon of cod liver oil into your pineapple banana smoothie than to drink it solo. The same holds true for many of the somewhat unpalatable ingredient choices.

Smoothies are a great chance for you to exercise your personal taste and creativity. You can start with a bag of frozen berries or hit the produce department for fresh fruit that you enjoy. Any juicy fruit is a great choice for a smoothie. Be creative and avoid ingredients that you do not care for.

Any yogurt,milk or kefir will do the trick but some experts recommend avoiding pasteurization and low fat dairy products for health reasons so if you are trying to switch to a raw diet you can use raw milk or make your own raw yogurt to use in the smoothie. You can also use raw, organic, cage free eggs for an inexpensive high quality protein boost. If you are a vegan or want to avoid dairy altogether then use soy milk, rice milk, firm tofu chunks or simply forgo that aspect of your smoothie altogether.

Grasses have tremendous nutritional and cleansing properties. You can grow your own wheatgrass and juice it fresh into your smoothie or you can purchase grass powder superfoods such as Vitamineral Green which is high in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, chlorophyll, probiotics, and enzymes.

Some great additions to your smoothies can include algaes such as ultra cleansing chlorella and spirulina with 96 trace minerals. Another ingredient that is easiest eaten in a smoothie is freshly ground flax seed which will provide you with valuable plant based Omega 3 oils as well as soluble and insoluble fiber. Keep a coffee grinder next to your smoothie machine to make sure the flax seed is added to your smoothie immediately after grinding to prevent oxidation.

Some other ingredients you can try are ginseng, raw cacao, aloe vera, vegetable powders, coconut oil, ground nuts such as almonds or walnuts and medicinal herbs such as cinnamon.

You can purchase plastic take out cups with lids and straws and leave the house every morning with a few of your fruit servings out of the way in addition to meeting or exceeding many of your other nutritional requirements. Smoothies are a fun, delicious, nutritious way to maximize your health in a creative way that is limited only by your imagination.

Sheryl Lyon


Apr 12

Rener Gracie, head instructor of the world famous Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, CA, teaches you how to make a smoothie using apples and bananas. This smoothie follows the Gracie Diet Principles.

Duration : 0:9:48

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Apr 10

Chronic constipation can be hard to stop or elimination, since the colon has become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement.

For those of you that have mild constipation, here is a morning banana smoothie that will help activate your colon. This smoothie is packed with nutrients that your body will use to regenerate your colon and body.

I have been making this smoothie for a few years. I make enough to drink right away and to put into my thermos to drink around 10am.

When I make this drink I just start putting things in the blender without measuring. You can do the same and make adjustments as you go.

” one peeled banana
” 4-5 strawberries or other type of berries, or fruits
” one tablespoon of lecithin granules
” one – two teaspoons of flax seed oil
” half and half almond milk and apple juice
” in a coffee grinder, grind up around a teaspoon or less of the following:

” Brown sesame seeds – are high in lecithin, vitamin C, E, and Calcium. They improve liver function and help in constipation
” Sunflower seeds – are high protein, Calcium, and iron. They are one of the best natural foods which feed the entire body.
” Flax seeds – are high in fiber and provide bulk for your stools.
” Almonds – use around 6-7 or more. They are high in Calcium, Phosphorus and have some B-vitamins. Only eat a few. They are high in calories.

After grinding the seeds, place them in the blender and blender everything for about 3-4 minutes. If you need a little sweetness, you can add a small amount of honey. I find this drink plenty sweet without any honey.

Sometimes I will add the powder of a few acidophilus capsules.

If I don’t add the almonds, I just put all the tiny seed into the blender without grinding them up. The blender will break them up.

This is a powerful banana smoothie to give you morning power and to activate your colon to get moving.

Rudy Silva

Apr 1

http://weightloss-transformational.com – How To Make A Diet Shake shows just how easy it is to make this tasty, low fat snack.

Duration : 18 sec

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Mar 26

http://www.RawFoodDietTips.com – In this video Kevin makes a smoothie with a banana, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranite. He also adds some hemp protein for good measure. Checkout more videos and articles on RawFoodDietTips.com

Duration : 9 min 16 sec

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Mar 23

Luna Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana, 1.27 lb

Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana

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Mar 7

CLIF BAR Luna Sport Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana 1.27 lbs

We’ve heard it from women athletes, Team LUNA Chix members and from the LUNA Pro Mountain Bike and Triathlon teams: We have our own way of eating when it comes to training and racing. We run in our own running shoes, ride a bike that fits our size and wear clothes designed for the female body.

When it comes to sports nutrition, however, we have been making do with products that aren’t made for us – making portions smaller, diluting drinks and gels and trying to figure out what our bodies need. Created to meet the specific needs of women athletes, LUNA Sport products take in to consideration things women need like folic acid, calcium, iron, B vitamins and antioxidant vitamins A, C & E.

They are also sized with the right amount of calories to keep you energized and ready for your next workout. LUNA Sport Recovery Smoothie is the first natural women’s protein recovery drink.

With only 120 calories per serving and 8 grams of whey protein, it’s a delicious treat following any workout. Plus it has vitamins and minerals women need for energy production and muscle repair. Also try mixing it with milk or soy for an added boost of calcium and protein!

Enjoy immediately following activity or anytime you want more protein. Mix contents of packet with 8 oz. of cold water, or for an added boost of protein and calcium, mix with milk or soy milk.

Shake well and refrigerate any remaining portion. Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Brown Rice Syrup Solids, Pectin, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Colored With Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine HCl, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin.

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