Mar 6

How to create a food label for banana cake? For example, the nutrition value, ingredients, etc.

First get all your ingredients analysed. That is your ingredient list.

Secondly check up the nutritional value for each ingredient.This can be calculated from the packaging of the ingredient that you have used or from the nutritional value table(it is a book with a list of nutrient value on each food).

Categorise the nutrient and add them up. eg, total calories, total carbohydrate, total sodium, total fat..etc.

That is your nutritional value table.

Oct 25
Banana Sandwich Cake
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Cake | icon4 10 25th, 2008| icon3No Comments »


4oz butter
6 oz sugar
2 eggs
2 mashed bananas
1 level teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons milk
8 oz flour
1 teaspoon baking powder


1. Cream butter and sugar.
2. Add eggs.
3. Add mashed bananas.
4. Dissolve baking soda in boiling milk and add to mixture.
5. Add flour and baking powder last.
6. Bake in two greased baking tins for 20 minutes at 180 degrees C (350 degrees F).
7. Fill with a mock cream.
8. Ice the top of the cake.

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