Mar 21

If you are looking for a healthy breakfast that is an alternative to plain old rolled oats, then try this one. The bananas add a tropical flavour and lift the dish oh so filling too!


Preparation time:  about 10 minutes




  • 330ml Fresh orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange rind
  • 1 banana, coarsely chopped
  • 125gm (4oz) rolled oats
  • 125ml skimmed milk
  • 1 orange, peeled and segmented




  1. Combine the orange juice, orange rind and banana in a saucepan.
  2. Bring to the boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to low.
  4. Stir in the rolled oats and cook the mixture for 1 minute, covered.
  5. Let the pan stand away from the heat for about a minute, until it has thickened.
  6. Spoon the mixture into four individual bowls.
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of milk to each bowl and garnish with segments of orange.
  8. Serve immediately.


Calories         195

Protein            6gm

Total fat          2gm

Sodium           17mg

Cholesterol    1mg

Saturated fat  0gm

Nov 19

This is a comprehensive site about Banana, bannana or bananna!

As Banana site grows we will cover banana recipes for all sorts of things, banana drinks, banana diet and nutrition, banana facts, information about banana trees, skins and all sorts of other banana related information.

We are into sharing information and if you have any ideas to improve our site or recipes then please use our page to Contact Us.

Enjoy the site and enjoy your Bananas!

Nov 8

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits they are readily available all year round, easily prepared and very nutritious. They are also less expensive than many other fruits.

Including a banana in your breakfast is a great way to start the day.

1. Banana from the Skin

The simplest breakfast is to take your banana, peel back the skin and get right into eating. What could be simpler? What could be as tasty and as good for you? This must surely rate as the easiest, healthy breakfast.

2. Mashed Ripe Bananas

Take ripe sweet bananas and mash them up. You can then eat them either on their own, mixed up with cereal, on toast, or my mothers favourite, as the filling for a sandwich. Whatever way you choose, they provide a breakfast with banana nutritional value.

3. Bananas Sliced in Cold Cereals

If you find the same old cereal a bit boring, bring it alive by adding some sliced up banana. In my eyes there is a huge difference between plain bran for breakfast and bran with sliced banana!

4. Banana Sauce over Cereal

Another simple way to enjoy banana for breakfast is to puree the banana. You may like to add a couple of ice cubes to keep it cool on a hot day, or maybe a couple of tablespoons of water, milk or cream. This can be poured over your cereal for a delicious healthy breakfast alternative.

5. Banana Smoothie

If you prefer a light breakfast drink, then a banana smoothie is the way to go. Milk is mixed together with mashed banana to create a healthy drink. My preference is to use non-fat milk as I find it mixes in the blender to a thicker mixture be warned though do not over mix or it becomes too thick. Add a few drops of vanilla to flavour.

6. Banana Porridge

For a tasty porridge incorporating banana, have a look at the orange and banana porridge recipe. It takes about ten minutes to prepare and will warm you up and fill you on a winter morning before you go about your daily tasks.

7. Banana Pancakes

There are a number of different ways to prepare banana pancakes, some cooking the bananas on top of the pancake while some include the banana in the pancake mix. The simplest way is often my favourite and we usually make the pancakes, slice the bananas on a long angle, add either whipped cream or a little sauce, say maple syrup and roll it up. Yum!!

Dec 18

Does anyone know any good banana recipes??? and I mean really good ones?;_ylt=AutpiL062nL1pcXYIfTiHHxIY.Y5

Dec 17

Recipe: Banana Bread (with walnuts and dates)

An easy and incredibly tasty Banana Bread. For recipe details:

Duration : 0:4:16

Read the rest of this entry »

Dec 16
Rum Cream Bananas Serves 4
  • 250gm (8 oz) packaged cream cheese at room temperature
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar, lightly packed
  • teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 egg, separated
  • 2 tablespoons cream
  • 1 tablespoon rum
  • 30gm (1 oz) butter
  • 8 bananas
  • 1/3 cup cream, extra
  • Extra cinnamon


  1. Beat cream cheese until soft and fluffy.
  2. Gradually add the brown sugar and cinnamon and beat well.
  3. Add lightly-beaten egg yolk and beat until combined.
  4. Stir in the rum and cream, mixing well.
  5. Beat the egg while until soft peaks are formed.
  6. Fold egg white into the cream cheese mixture gently.
  7. Peel the bananas and halve lengthwise.
  8. Melt butter in a pan.
  9. Add the bananas and gently saut over a low heat until they are golden and tender.
  10. Place alternate layers of bananas and cream cheese mixture in a small ovenproof dish.
  11. Finish with a layer of cream cheese mixture on the top.
  12. Spoon extra cream over and sprinkle with the extra cinnamon.
  13. Bake in a moderate over for 15-20 minutes.
  14. The bananas will be heated through and bubbly on top.

Technorati Profile

Dec 11
Banana Recipes
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Recipes | icon4 12 11th, 2015| icon3No Comments »

Banana Site is a living growing site that will be providing you with Banana Recipes. Go Banana with us and test out some of these amazing recipes…

To come will be recipes for banana bread, banana cake, banana muffins, banana smoothies, banana split, banana fritters, banana flambe, banana cream pie, banana pudding and banana loaf with varieties of many of these as well. Maybe you are a chocoholic and have to have the chocolate fix in your muffins – we will keep you happy!

There will be more than just the banana recipes, also you will find tips on how to have success with these recipes.As we develop the site further recipes will include more and more banana pictures and some banana videos.

If you have a fantastic recipe or any advice on how we can improve the Banana Site please place a comment or email us at

Dec 8

Bananas Foster


1 c. brown sugar (light or dark)

1/4 # butter

2 bananas

2 oz. banana liquor

1 oz. rum

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

1 oz. Rum (if it is to be flambed)

Vanilla ice cream


Cook the sugar and butter for about 5 minutes.

Add bananas, simmer anoth

If flambing, pull the saut pan back and super heat the front edge of the pan, add another 1 oz rum with a jigger,(do not pour out of the bottle!!) and light with a long match, or roll the flame over the edge of the pan if using gas, jiggling the saut pan will increase the flame.

Serve over vanilla ice cream. nfd

Dec 5
Bananas Body Builder
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Smoothie | icon4 12 5th, 2015| icon3No Comments »

This is a great drink for body building. Wheatgerm, the most nutritious part of the wheat grain, is packed with B and E vitamins, protein and minerals. When you combine it with bananas, you get a great carbohydrate-rich drink that is boosted by the goodness of orange juice and linseed and is perfect before exercise. Linseed contains essential fatty acids that are good for the heart.


30ml/2 tablespoon wheatgerm
1 large banana, chopped
130gm/4oz (a generous cup) soya yoghurt
15ml/1 tablespoon linseed (flax seeds)
Juice of 1 lime
Juice of 1 large orange
Mineral water (optional)
Linseed and grated lime zest, for decoration


1. Put the wheatgerm, the banana, the yoghurt and linseed in a blender or food processor.

2. Blend until smooth then scrape down the sides of the bowl.

3. Stir well.

4. Add the lime and orange juice to the yoghurt mixture.

5. Blend again until evenly mixed.

6. Pour the juice into a large glass and top up with mineral water, if desired.

7. Use the linseed and lime zest to decorate, then serve.

Makes 1 large glass

Dec 1

What should I do with bananas? Any good banana recipes?

I have lots of bananas and they will turn brown soon. What can I make with them?

Thank you for your time.

You should let them go rotten and then make banana bread! It’s the best. Here’s a good banana bread recipe to try out.

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