Jul 22

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Diet & Nutrition – About Depressions, Whey Protein & Bananas

Whey protein and bananas both contain precursors to the neurotransmitters in the brain that affect depression and mood, and therefore, may help in preventing depression.

Eat healthy whey protein and bananas to improve mood with advice from a nutritional consultant in this free video on nutrition.

Expert: Charlotte Skiles Contact: www.charlotteskiles.com Bio: Charlotte Skiles is the founder of Eat in Peace Wellness Consulting, in Austin, Texas. Filmmaker: Todd Green

Duration : 0:1:30

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Jul 16

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Nutrition & Diets – About Bananas & Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by increased levels of uric acid, but bananas can help decrease the symptoms of gout due to its high levels of potassium and vitamin C.

Eat bananas to help deal with the pain caused by gout with advice from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on nutrition and diets.

Expert: Christine Marquette Bio: Christine E. Marquette is a registered and licensed dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, Texas. She conducts nutrition therapy at the clinic. Filmmaker: Todd Green

Duration : 0:1:31

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Jul 3

MRM, Low Carb Protein, Creamy Strawberry-Banana Shake, 1.784 lbs (810 g)   Banana Shake

Incredibly Creamy & Delicious! Only 2g Carbs/Serving Delicious Strawberry Banana Shake NitroZyme – Enzyme Complex that Enhances Protein Absorption and Maximizes the Benefits of Ingested Protein Sustained Release Protein Blend Maximizes Amino Acid Delivery to ALL Muscle Cells

Easily Digested Low in Cholesterol Rich in BCAAs & L-Glutamine 22 g of Protein Per Serving Sustained Release Whey Protein Complex Low Carb Protein delivers a unique source of protein by combining a highly refined Ultrafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate, Instantized Calcium Caseinate and Cross Flow Microfiltration and Ion-Exchange processed whey.

This unique blend offers a sustained release of “Fast & Slow” proteins, meaning that the amino acids enter the bloodstream at different rates. This allows for higher amino acid concentrations in the blood for longer periods of time, therefore, increasing nitrogen retention.

Low Carb Protein is also remarkably high in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), which are the most required amino acids needed to replenish muscle stores that are utilized during strenuous exercise. The Next Generation Protein

The biochemists at MRM have taken protein supplementation to the next level, without the worry of wasting ingested protein. The addition of NitroZyme helps breakdown long and short chain amino acids into smaller, more readily absorbable amino acids for maximum digestion and absorption. Some concerns with the popular “high protein diet” used by many bodybuilders and dieters is that the body is unable to naturally digest high amounts of protein at one time.

NitroZyme helps the body release more amino acids from ingested protein than digestive enzymes alone. So when individuals (men, women, seniors as well as athletes of all ages and sports) take Low Carb Protein enhanced with NitroZyme, the body can absorb more free amino acids directly into the muscles to increase muscle size, strength and lean body mass.

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Jun 20

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Nutritional Facts – Banana – Compare!

A simple slide show that tells the calories, fat content, carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins and minerals in 5 different fruits. The banana, apple, orange, grape and watermelon. Enjoy!

Duration : 0:2:6

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Jun 4


A healthy diet is crucial to the detoxification process. It can be achieved by abstaining from animal products, sugar, alcohol and fat, and replacing them by organic fruits, nuts, wheats and vegetables.

An excellent way to kick off the detoxification process every morning, while giving your body all the nutrition it needs, is Dr. Kousmine’s breakfast.

Doctor Catherine Kousmine (1904-1992), has devoted her life to medical research in Switzerland with special interest in the effects of food on overall health, and cancer and disease prevention.
The diet she recommends is rich in cereals, raw food and essential fatty acids, and has thousands of faithful health-conscious followers around the world.

The highlight of Dr Kousmine’s diet is her power breakfast -the infamous Kousmine cream- based on a mixture of ingredients that she developed with the German doctor Johanna Budwig.

Dr Budwig (born in Germany in 1908- 2003) has been referred to as a top European Cancer Research Scientist, Biochemist, German Pharmacologist, and Physicist. She was a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee. She is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on fats and oils. Her research has shown the negative effects that commercially processed fats and oils have on destroying cells, and their food-processing function in the body, resulting in chronic or terminal disease.

Her research shows that the commercial processing of fats destroys the field of electrons that allow the cell membranes in our bodies to function properly. Without the proper metabolism of fats, every vital function and every organ is affected. This includes new cell regeneration, and the elimination of waste and toxins, which triggers various chronic diseases.

Not only is Dr Kousmine breakfast recipe delicious and highly nutritious, but it also enables your body to kick start the detoxification process upon rising.

Kousmine-Budwig breakfast recipe

– 4 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese (or yoghurt)
– 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed or organic sunflower oil
Mix the cottage cheese and the flaxseed oil in a bowl with a fork, until you obtain a rich, white and creamy blend.

Add to this mixture

– 1 small ripe banana (or 2 tsp honey)
– 1/2 a lemon juice
– 2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds or 6 almonds, 6 hazelnuts, or any other type of nuts, excluding peanuts
– 2 tablespoons fresh whole-wheat rice, millet, buckwheat, oats (not oatmeal)
– 1 portion of seasonal fresh fruit. (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, apple etc..)
Grind the nuts, or flaxseed and the cereals. Crush the banana with a fork. Add all the ingredients to the cottage cheese and mix well.

Besides being a rich source of calcium, iron & zinc, this breakfast is rich in linolenic acid (healthy fats) and provides substantial levels of vitamins and minerals. The combination of these ingredients is what makes this recipe particularly efficient.

Dr Kousmine diet is based on 5 principles amongst them a healthy diet and a healthy colon. She recommended intestinal cleanses, including enemas and colon cleansing.

France Guillain, who wrote 2 books on the Detox Bath method, particularly recommends combining the Kousmine breakfast with the Detox Bath for a highly effective natural daily detox. The ‘good fats’, contained in this breakfast act as the vehicle which -aided by the the Detox Bath- transports the ‘bad fats’ into the intestines for elimination. This breakfast will boost the action of the Detox Bath and increase its effectiveness.

The Detox Bath is based on an ancestral detox and healing technique which has been proven to encourage toxin, waste and fat elimination. It’s working principle is to refresh the core area of the body (groin) during 10 minutes daily on average. This process creates a vibration in the fascia (interconnecting tissue covering all internal organs), which sets in motion a roll-back effect transporting waste, fat and deposited toxins back to the intestines, where they are later eliminated. The benefits of this simple technique are numerous and include:

Toxin, fat and cellulite elimination

Improved digestion and natural constipation relief

Improved natural restful sleep,

Mood and energy boost

Clear skin and radiant complexion.

Randa Khalil


Jun 3
Nutrition question?
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Nutrition | icon4 06 3rd, 2009| icon32 Comments »

My science teacher told me that eating bananas every morning as breakfast is bad because your body gets used to it and the sugar gets stored as fat from the banana.  I  know a lot about nutrition but I haven’t heard this one before. She also said the banana does something to your DNA lol?

The answer to both your questions is NO!

Banana’s are completely healthy, and carry a healthy form of sugar found in fruits that is good in moderation.

Keep on eating banana’s!

May 31

For example some fruits like banana’s and grapes taste better frozen, does that take away the nutrition?

NOPE, as a matter of fact many frozen foods are healthier than non frozen. Vegetables are a fine example of this as well as fruit. The food is picked and washed an frozen, usually all in the same day if not within hours. Fresh food is picked and taken to a warehouse, then shipped to a wholesaler and picked up by a market and then into the store.

This can take from a couple of days to a week depending upon where the store is located in reference to the grower. All this time the food is loosing it’s nutritional value. So fresh is not always healthier as frozen can actually be fresher vitamin wise.

May 28

I usually have a banana and a protein shake after my workout and I work late so I don’t want to workout and then take my post workout meal right after and go to sleep. Sometimes on the weekends I do have time and do workout but do I take it right after my workout or wait a few minutes?

You want to get the protein and banana IMMEDIATELY after your workout. Then you should wait 20-30 minutes and then have your PWO meal.

May 26

I heard it was a banana… that if you only eat 7 bananas a day you would be fine and lose weight….

A non-vegeterian Pizza…which will include: Bread, tomato sauce, cheese, peperoni, ground beef or cheicken, peppers and other veggies. Bananas are very high in pottassium and are very heavy on your stomach. What you need to keep on mind is that any type of extreme behaviour will most likely lead to a failure. If you eat banana’s, only bananas,what will happen when you stop and return to normal food? You will most likely gain the weight back.

2nd, don’t starve yourself, aside from not being good for you, it will slow down your metabolisam and you will burn fat a lot slower. I am sure that you are aware of most consequences. Even if pizza is one of the most complete meals, there is not “one” food that will contain it all. You need to eat a variety in order for your body to have all the necessary nutrients.

May 24

Mine is banana !

Banana’s, thats why a you see a lot of sporters eating banana´s. Also my favvourite

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