Feb 18
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Facts, Other Banana | icon4 02 18th, 2009| icon3No Comments »

Bananas are most likely native to tropical Asia, but are widely cultivated. The banana is often referred to as a tree yet the plants have a palm like aspect with large leaves, the overlapping bases of which form the so-called false trunk.

The banana plants grow 10 to 26 feet in height and belong to the family Musaceae. They are greedy feeders – they have to be, considering the weight of fruit that is regularly removed from the clump.

Bananas are one of the most popular and most consumed fruits in the world. They are available year round in most areas and are usually fairly inexpensive. They are the fourth largest fruit crop in the world, after grapes, citrus fruits and apples.

Bananas are the fifth most important agricultural commodity in world trade. It is a major staple food crop for many millions of people in areas of Central, East and West Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Bananas are elliptically shaped fruits packaged by nature with a firm, creamy flesh. Their natural wrapping has many extra uses.

The advantage of bananas over other crops is that they do not need to be planted anew each year. Large multinational corporations control a large percentage of the banana trade; Dole and Chiquita together control more than 50%.

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the United States. Americans eat an average of 28 pounds of bananas per person per year. They really are a perfect part of your diet!

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