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Bananas in a nutshell:
Bananas originated in Malaysia around 4,000 years ago.
The term derived from an Arabic word meaning ‘finger’.
In 327 BC, Alexander the Great’s army recorded them being grown in India.
The fruit was introduced to America in about 1482 AD by Portuguese explorers. In the early days, it was only eaten by Americans living in the seacoast towns where the banana schooners docked; because of the fruit’s fragility, it could not be transported far.
Bananas come in about 400 varities. Have you seen green-andwhite striped, pink, purple and black bananas? They exist!
The plant is not truly a tree, even though it can reach a height of 8 metres or more. It is actually a herb, and the fruit is technically a ‘berry’.
Banana is today the fourth largest fruit under cultivation, after grapes, citrus fruits and apples.
Nutrition Facts: The average banana contains a whopping 467 mg potassium and only 1 mg sodium, making it an excellent food for maintaining normal blood pressure and keeping arteries free of clogged fats.
Its potassium content also keeps bones healthy, by preventing urinary calcium loss caused by high-salt diets.
The fruit protects against stomach ulcers. Combined with milk, it significantly suppresses acid secretion.
Stomach upset? Eat a banana. The potassium in it is a vital electrolyte that will rapidly restore your fluid balance. Pectin, a soluble fibre, helps normalise digestive movement and ease constipation.
Banana contains beneficial bacteria that improves our ability to absorb nutrients. This reduces the time that food stays in the gastrointestinal tract, decreasing risk of colon cancer.
Bananas with more ‘golden’ flesh contain more arotenoids, which protect against certain cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
A study shows that women who eat bananas four to six times a week halve their risk of developing kidney cancer.
Women taking diuretics need to eat a banana every day to compensate for potassium loss.
The banana is unique because it has a lot of uses:
The root can be ground or chopped up for use as a fertiliser.
The outer layer of the trunk, being tough, makes good animal feed.
The young inner trunk is mashed for use in curries, stews and sauces.
Fibre from banana stem is used to make string, twine or rope, which in turn can be used for everything from weaving place mats, carry bags, hats and purses to tying up portions of herbs and leafy vegetables for sale in the vegetable market.
And the banana leaf? So versatile! Use it for making environment-friendly containers and trays, or for cooking and wrapping food in asian countries.
In southern India and South-East Asia, some dishes are prepared by wrapping ingredients in banana leaves and then boiling, steaming or grilling them. Food absorbs the delicate taste and scent of the leaves, and moisture in the leaves helps keep the food fresh longer.
Young banana leaves are placed on burns.
In many cultures, leaves serve as plates for holding flowers for prayer, as bridal gifts, or at the bedside of a terminally ill person.
Dry leaves can be mixed with coconut oil and lime to polish metal.
Leaves are used in villages across the world as sunshades and umbrellas!
The sap of the plant is used to dye cloth in a light brown colour. Traditional healers also use it to reduce hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, fevers and diarrhoea.
The blossoms are used in curries, to relieve bronchitis, dysentery and ulcers.
Sturdy banana stalks can be used for stirring food or dye cauldrons. They can also be moulded to make toys. African girls fashion dolls from it, while boys roll up the leaves to play ball.
Skins are used in sauces, banana wine, vinegar and fertilisers.
The inside of a banana skin makes great shoe polish. Just rub it directly on the shoe, and buff with a cloth.
The fruit itself is incredibly versatile. You can boil, fry, grill, steam, pickle or dry it.
Here’s a quick and tasty idea: cook sliced bananas with a little sugar and butter. Mash and enjoy with pancakes.