Get Some Bananas for The Banana Diet
There is a real demand for bananas in Japan due to the Morning Banana Diet. The lack of bananas at the supermarkets is testimony to the popularity of the new dieting fad.
Japanese girls are obsessed with dieting and the success of the new morning banana diet by a popular Japanese opera singer, Kumiko Mori has meant teenage girls are going bananas to try the diet out for themselves.
A Japanese pharmacist, Sumiko Watanabe, designed the diet to speed up the metabolism of her overweight husband. The diet was successful for him and has received media coverage.
Over 730,000 books about the diet were sold in the first seven months from it being published in March 2008. The book has been translated and published in Taiwan and South Korea.
Fads like this pass through phases and it is predicted by some that the banana boom will be over by Christmas. Japanese banana importers are carefully watching the demand and cautious in ending up with an uncontrollable banana surplus.
Dole, a leading banana importing company, has increased their banana imports by over 25% and still cannot keep up with the increased demand for bananas.
So what is this Morning Banana Diet all about?
The basic rules of the Morning Banana Diet are simply:
Eat as many bananas as you want in the morning with room temperature water.
Eat a normal lunch and dinner, avoiding sweets.
Eat dinner before 8 pm.
Go to bed before midnight.
Small snacks between meals are allowed in moderation.
Drinking alcohol is allowed in moderation.
We have heard feedback that it is working, although others say that it is just plain crazy.
If you have tried this or another banana diet, please let us know how it went!