The Morning Banana Diet involves eating only a banana (2.00 for a bunch) in the morning. It is the most popular diet in Japan right now …
Duration : 0:1:59
The Morning Banana Diet involves eating only a banana (2.00 for a bunch) in the morning. It is the most popular diet in Japan right now …
Duration : 0:1:59
How to make diet shakes quickly and easily is mostly the common question and been widely searched by those who are aiming to lose weight or maintain weight. Weight loss is not just a quest for those who are health conscious but also those who want to maintain beautiful body. Rigid Physical Exercise, diet pills and even abstaining to eat high calorie foods are not the only popular means to lose weight but even diet shakes are also the trend lately.
Some people would only take diet shakes as a breakfast meal. It is believe that it can give you the same calorie needed to go on in the morning before the next meal. It is the best option to stay healthy and away from any illnesses than skipping breakfast.
However, there are those who go on a diet that opt to get diet shakes as substitute to their regular breakfast meal or desserts but do not like the hassles and the time that it takes to prepare it. This pushes them in constant search for ways to prepare diet shakes in quick and easy steps.
There are even many who have been purchasing from one blender to the other. But note that it is not just the blender that is considered. One blender machine at home is already enough, as long as it does the job to mix together the ingredients perfectly and in just milliseconds, you do not need to buy a new one.
The basic thing to do is to list all low carb ingredients for shakes. This can save you time. Have it available in your cupboard or refrigerator for quick and easy access. There are many ingredients that you can find in the market. But having all assorted base ingredients in a week is not convenient for you,
Stick to a base ingredient like whey protein for a week before changing to a new base ingredient like nonfat milk. This can go a long way as you make varieties of flavors so that diet shakes will not be boring. The secret to it is the flavors.
You can put in any of these for flavors of the day: berries, pineapple juice, banana, oatmeal, bran flakes, shredded nuts, spoonful of coffee, plum, lemon juice, spoonful of peanut butter, apple and more. That enumeration alone can go for more than a week diet plan.
Choosing any of those for a variety and to suit your taste buds can make your diet shake not only exciting but quick and easy. Most importantly it only adds less calories that you need. There are also many quick recipes for diet shakes that you can experiment or even search in the internet.
The worldwide web can give you many arrays of these kinds of recipes. People who are on the go and are into weight loss program and diet practices will enjoy with this diet shake plan. I wish you the best of luck in your search to losing weight!
Janet Sommers
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Click on this link to learn all about the diet that is sweeeping the country, and discover how you can easily lose 20 lbs in one month, still eat whatever you want, and exercise only if you want to!
Duration : 0:2:39
Some ppl tell me that banana increase weight. I read “Morning Banana Diet “reduce the weight. so I confused. In india Ramdevji told that White Gourd also benefited for weight loss. What is correct way to reduce weight loss.
The morning Banana Diet is one by which you have any amount of bananas you want with warm water in the morning. It dictates that you do not eat anything before lunch, have anything you want for lunch, may have sweet snack mid afternoon, and have anything you want for dinner; just do not eat after 8:00pm. With the exception of the sweet snack in the mid afternoon, this sounds like a diet I had while living on a small banana farm – and I got fat.
Banana should be eaten balanced with other fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. White guard is also a good fruit/vegetable to include in your diet, but not to be used as a principal cure for obesity. All natural fresh foods work together to keep us healthy and to regulate our fat storage if eaten in correct proportions.
The best way to keep weight off is to ensure that you reduce to a minimum, or eliminate entirely, empty calories (junk food, processed foods) from your diet. These include pastries, pastas, and sweets. Also keep away from highly fatty meals. It is not necessary to count calories as long as you’re eating a very wide variety of fresh raw fruits and fresh raw vegetables.
Also vary your diet. That is not eating the same thing repeatedly several times for the day or every day for that matter- there are lots of natural foods that are beneficial to your health that you can take advantage of. Have one meal each day that consists entirely of vegetables and fruits. While you are required to eat all vegetables and fruits available to you, use more low calorie vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, kale, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, and turnips.
Eat more of the low calorie, low-carbohydrate fruits including, apples, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon. Substitute simple/empty carbohydrates with complex carbohydrate (natural foods). Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water each day and exercise. Exercise can take the form of brisk walking.
Try to maintain a balance of 60% fresh vegetables of which 50% is eaten raw, 20% fresh fruits, 10% complex carbohydrate and 10% protein which would include fats.
Example of a day’s meal Breakfast:- porridge or a complex carbohydrate (yam, green banana, potato, etc.); steamed green leafy vegetable; egg, meat or fresh; fruits, mixed with nuts, and seeds. Mid
Afternoon meal:- of meat or fish, 1 or 2 complex carbohydrate (eg. yam, potatoes, pumpkin etc), a mixture of raw vegetables, (eg. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow or red sweet pepper, shredded carrots), varied mixture of steam vegetables (eg a leafy vegetable and/or string beans, or a vegetable salad) If you’d like to add drink – preferably home made fruit or vegetable juice.
Evening Meal:- A mixture of different fruits with nuts and seeds. Or a mixture of different raw vegetables with nuts, seeds, and cheese. The above examples are just guidelines that you may follow. You should vary your meals.
Diet can have a profound effect on physical and mental health, and certain foods have been shown to combat depression and even mental illness. Good nutrition also eases stress and improves sleeping patterns. First, check with your doctor, then try the “depression fighting” diet for a month, and see if it improves your mood!
Top 10 foods for happiness and well-being:
1. Omega 3 fatty acids are compounds are found in tuna, salmon, walnuts, and canola oil. They can also be purchased in supplement form. Multiple clinical studies have shown Omega 3 fights depression. Omega 3 fats can even help combat more severe mental illnesses, such as bi-polar disorder. A landmark study by Harvard University showed that bi-polar patients receiving high doses of Omega 3 oils stayed in remission longer, and were able to combat depression better. A new study by the Mental Health Foundation shows that fish oils “significantly improve” the behavior of children suffering from ADHD, or attention deficit disorder. And, since these oils are naturally occurring in foods, they are safe for most people to take.
2. Zinc is essential for metabolism and digestion. It plays an important role in immune system function, and helps fight weakness and fatigue. Zinc deficiencies often result in loss of appetite and irritability. Zinc-rich foods are: wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, whole grain wheat bran, and high protein foods.
3. Vitamin B-3 (niacin) is essential for energy conversion in the body. Even mild deficiencies can cause depression, irritability, canker sores, and indigestion. If you regularly get canker sores in your mouth and lips, it may be a sign of B-3 deficiency. Excessive alcohol consumption causes vitamin B-3 deficiencies. Natural sources of this vitamin are beets, pork, chicken, dried beans and oily fish (such as mackerel or salmon).
4. Water is absolutely essential for combating depression and fighting fatigue. Water helps improve mood, motor function, mind power, skin problems, and a host of other maladies. Always drink at least 40 ounces of water a day. If you drink soda or coffee, it is good to increase your water intake, since caffeine acts as a diuretic, pulling water from the body. The benefits are enormous, and the cost is minimal. Drink more water!
5. Vitamin E occurs naturally in wheat germ, nuts, seeds, and some fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E is a potent anti-oxidant and immune booster. It has been shown to strengthen red blood cells and fight viral infection. It is a good supplement for people with chronic fatigue and depression.
6. Calcium can help combat stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that calcium can help combat post-partum depression. Calcium-deficient people regularly complain of difficulty sleeping and cramps. Calcium has the added benefit of being a natural sleep-aid. It is present in milk, cheese, and most dairy products. Other non-dairy sources include broccoli, tofu and fortified orange juice.
7. Folic Acid is found in leafy greens, beans and peanuts, orange juice, wheat germ, and many fortified cereals. Researchers know that low levels of folic acid are directly linked to depression. A University of Toronto study showed that patients with higher levels of folic acid in their systems fought depression faster and more successfully than those without it.
8. Stevia is a natural sweetener made from a leafy green plant. Stevia has been used for centuries as a natural sweetener in Asia, and many diet sodas in Asia are made with Stevia. Although the sugar and artificial sweetener industry has fought stevia’s addition to foods in the United States, it is still freely available in powder and leafy form for consumers to purchase. Stevia is all-natural, non-caloric, and does not have the same side-effects as refined sugar and other artificial sweeteners.
9. Vitamin C is a natural immune-system booster. Depressed people often have suppressed immune systems, and vitamin C rich foods and supplements can help boost your natural immune response. People with vitamin C deficiencies often show signs of depression and stress. Vitamin C is readily available in all citrus fruits, and a variety of inexpensive supplements.
10. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, low energy, and anemia, especially in women. Always check with your doctor before taking an iron supplement. However, there are many natural sources of iron that are easily added to one’s diet without any side-effects of a supplement. Good sources of iron include liver, beef, beans, peas, and nuts. It is easier for your body to assimilate iron from meat rather than vegetable sources. If you are a vegetarian, you can improve your iron assimilation by adding vitamin C to your diet.
Other Possible Causes of Fatigue
Food allergies can also cause a host of problems, including depression and weakness. Sometimes, these allergies are mild, and simply cause stomach upset or mood swings. A close friend of mine just recently discovered that chocolate (cacao) was the trigger for her PMS and horrible migraines. After 46 years, she is finally PMS and migraine-free after giving up chocolate completely. Common food allergies include chocolate, wheat, dairy, and soy.
Avoid Caffeine. One cup of tea or coffee per day is acceptable, but anything more than can cause problems with mood swings, depression, and fatigue. Black tea generally has less caffeine than coffee. If you would like to reduce your caffeine intake, consider switching to tea instead.
Reduce or eliminate your refined sugar intake. It may seem difficult at first, but train yourself to eat something else when you crave refined sugar. Delicious sweet strawberries, blueberries, or sliced oranges can ease your sweet tooth and help keep you on track. Avoid sugary foods and cereals, especially in the morning, when your blood sugar can spike dramatically. Instead, opt for a protein-rich breakfast, with eggs, milk, and sausage or lean meats and a piece of fruit, such as a banana. This type of breakfast helps prevent food cravings and mood swings later on in the day.
Hormone therapy and oral contraceptives can interfere with the absorption of B vitamins. Women that take an estrogen supplement may want to add a B supplement to their diet in order to combat this interference. Ask your doctor if a B supplement is okay.
Finally, if you are one of the many people that gulps down a cup of coffee in the morning and then realizes you are starving at noon, you are doing your body a great disservice every day. Even if you have to force yourself, eat three meals a day, and always start with a good, protein-rich breakfast. If your doctor approves, add some good vitamin supplements to your diet, and drink lots of water. You’ll feel better almost immediately, and you may even lose cravings for unhealthy foods. Take the first step towards better health and a happier life!
Food Ingredients May be as Effective as Antidepressants: Researchers Discover “Mood Foods’ Relieve Signs of Depression.” Harvard University Online. May 2006.
Lark MD, Susan M. ‘Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs for Chronic Fatigue'(Excerpted from The Menopause Self Help Book, Celestial Arts). 1990
‘Vitamin B3 (Niacin).’ University of Maryland Medical Center Alternative Medicine. April 2002.
Christie Pinheiro
A fad diet in Japan has those who want to lose some weight going bananas in the morning. The banana diet calls for bananas and lukewarm water for breakfast and whatever you want for the rest of the day.
Duration : 0:3:27 – How To Make A Diet Shake shows just how easy it is to make this tasty, low fat snack.
Duration : 18 sec
Japan’s most popular diet, invented on the Mixi internet service and published in books in early 2008. In early autumn 2008 the banana diet expoded into the mainstream after many magazines, mooks, and television shows covered it.
A mid-September prime time television appearance by opera singer and Morning Banana Dieter iko Mori (of “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” fame) resulted in a nationwide banana shortage in Japan lasting several weeks. Morning Banana Diet …
Duration : 0:2:9
A healthy diet is crucial to the detoxification process. It can be achieved by abstaining from animal products, sugar, alcohol and fat, and replacing them by organic fruits, nuts, wheats and vegetables.
An excellent way to kick off the detoxification process every morning, while giving your body all the nutrition it needs, is Dr. Kousmine’s breakfast.
Doctor Catherine Kousmine (1904-1992), has devoted her life to medical research in Switzerland with special interest in the effects of food on overall health, and cancer and disease prevention.
The diet she recommends is rich in cereals, raw food and essential fatty acids, and has thousands of faithful health-conscious followers around the world.
The highlight of Dr Kousmine’s diet is her power breakfast -the infamous Kousmine cream- based on a mixture of ingredients that she developed with the German doctor Johanna Budwig.
Dr Budwig (born in Germany in 1908- 2003) has been referred to as a top European Cancer Research Scientist, Biochemist, German Pharmacologist, and Physicist. She was a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee. She is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on fats and oils. Her research has shown the negative effects that commercially processed fats and oils have on destroying cells, and their food-processing function in the body, resulting in chronic or terminal disease.
Her research shows that the commercial processing of fats destroys the field of electrons that allow the cell membranes in our bodies to function properly. Without the proper metabolism of fats, every vital function and every organ is affected. This includes new cell regeneration, and the elimination of waste and toxins, which triggers various chronic diseases.
Not only is Dr Kousmine breakfast recipe delicious and highly nutritious, but it also enables your body to kick start the detoxification process upon rising.
Kousmine-Budwig breakfast recipe
– 4 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese (or yoghurt)
– 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed or organic sunflower oil
Mix the cottage cheese and the flaxseed oil in a bowl with a fork, until you obtain a rich, white and creamy blend.
Add to this mixture
– 1 small ripe banana (or 2 tsp honey)
– ½ lemon juice
– 2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds or 6 almonds, 6 hazelnuts, or any other type of nuts, excluding peanuts
– 2 tablespoons fresh whole-wheat rice, millet, buckwheat, oats (not oatmeal)
– 1 portion of seasonal fresh fruit. (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, apple etc..)
Grind the nuts, or flaxseed and the cereals. Crush the banana with a fork. Add all the ingredients to the cottage cheese and mix well.
A part from being a rich source of calcium, iron & zinc, this breakfast is rich in linolenic acid (healthy fats) and provides substantial levels of vitamins and minerals. The combination of these ingredients is what makes this recipe particularly efficient.
Dr Kousmine diet is based on 5 principles amongst them a healthy diet and a healthy colon. She recommended intestinal cleanses, including enemas and colon cleansing.
France Guillain, who wrote 2 books on the Detox Bath method, particularly recommends combining the Kousmine breakfast with the Detox Bath for a highly effective natural daily detox. The ‘good fats’, contained in this breakfast act as the vehicle which -aided by the the Detox Bath- transports the ‘bad fats’ into the intestines for elimination. This breakfast will boost the action of the Detox Bath and increase its effectiveness.
The Detox Bath is based on an ancestral detox and healing technique which has been proven to encourage toxin, waste and fat elimination. It’s working principle is to refresh the core area of the body (groin) during 10 minutes daily on average. This process creates a vibration in the fascia (interconnecting tissue covering all internal organs), which sets in motion a roll-back effect transporting waste, fat and deposited toxins back to the intestines, where they are later eliminated. The benefits of this simple technique are numerous and include:
Toxin, fat and cellulite elimination
Improved digestion and natural constipation relief
Improved natural restful sleep,
Mood and energy boost
Clear skin and radiant complexion.
Randa Khalil
I hate the taste of bananas, however, I love the taste of baked or boiled plantains. Plantains are just the baked/boiled version of the raw sweet ones.
Any suggestions would be appreciated???
One version of the banana diet or some more information on the banana diet