Banana Splits – The Ultimate Intro!

Here it is! The Intro you all have been waiting for! My best Banana Splits and Friends revised intro! With better sound, more action, and some clasic footage. I used the scenes from 3 video clips; Added some sparkles; Got the audio from an MP3 file; And dubbed is some authentic sound effects.

The classic scenes used in the middle of this video are from an original episode. (Banana Splits Adventure Hour)… It’s for you to Enjoy… but please stop trying to comment on it! …

Duration : 0:1:26

[youtube g2se2I70CJ0]

17 Responses

  1. gameswizard Says:

    nicely done.
    nicely done.

  2. chg657 Says:

    1969 was like no …
    1969 was like no other time, before or since…You just had to be there, like I was, to fully understand how BIZARRE things were then…

  3. babingas Says:

    Does anyone agree …
    Does anyone agree with me? The Banana Splits were a 1960’s-modern day tribute to the Marx Bros? Fleegle was Groucho-Bingo was Chico-Snorki was Harpo(horn), and Drooper was Zeppo? What Says YOU?

  4. vulcanjedi Says:

    George Barris, the …
    George Barris, the creator of the Banana Buggies RULZ. Second only to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth.

  5. samspadexxx Says:

    The best kids show, …
    The best kids show, ever, happy memories.

  6. sardinella Says:

    memories memories …
    memories memories memories……..

  7. englishman10000 Says:

    did anyone cover …
    did anyone cover this theme tune?

  8. postofficeuniformguy Says:

    Check out the …
    Check out the Dickies cover of this song. Great original and great cover for all of us children of the 60″s and 70’s!

  9. coralprincess25 Says:

    Thanks for posting …
    Thanks for posting this rare treat. I remember the character trying to walk up the slide and falling! Good times!

  10. megmiller61 Says:

    Um – it is – – Paul …
    Um – it is – – Paul Winchell! He rocks.

  11. modgirl64 Says:

    best song & show …
    best song & show ever!

  12. jp5784 Says:

    WOW….thanks for …
    WOW….thanks for bringing back some great childhood memories. It’s good to be 5 years old again for a few minutes!!!

  13. TheTholianWeb Says:

    For us Brits this …
    For us Brits this was on on a Saturday morning on BBC 1 from about ’74 to ’77….great memories….god the sixties….totally spaced out loons running around an amusement park in mad as you like outfits, and then driving ‘Banana Buggies’ around the Californian countyside…and getting paied for it!!

  14. ksermas Says:

    How can you not …
    How can you not smile and think of happy times when you see this?!?! It ran past 1970 in syndication because I saw it as a kid in the early 70s.

  15. Victoriano67 Says:

    Are you kiddin’ me? …
    Are you kiddin’ me? I was born in Panama and I used to watch this show over there! One of the things I remember was like a coo-coo clock that had a moose head instead of the usual bird and it would come out and say things to annoy them. Good memories, thanks!

  16. madog20 Says:

    bob marley loved it …
    bob marley loved it 2. listen 2 buffalo soldier & u’ll hear what i mean : )

  17. flaminghell Says:

    Brings back great …
    Brings back great memories, Love the music

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