Gracie Diet : Apple Banana Smoothie

Rener Gracie, head instructor of the world famous Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, CA, teaches you how to make a smoothie using apples and bananas. This smoothie follows the Gracie Diet Principles.

Duration : 0:9:48

[youtube PLh2AiviP3U]

25 Responses

  1. pugghead Says:

    proper apple …
    proper apple cutting technique!!!

  2. pugghead Says:

    so true
    so true

  3. pugghead Says:

    lol at 0.25-0.29

    lol at 0.25-0.29

    but cool vid

  4. jo9285 Says:

    never push the …
    never push the knife you thumb it YOU THUMB IT LOL HES SERIOUS

  5. flashinglights0821 Says:

    dude thats awesome …
    dude thats awesome how much is a juicer ?

  6. blobnslop Says:

    Ah man the little …
    Ah man the little sound clips they add in on the end of the vids are too funny. Rener has some ridiculous one liners, I love it.

  7. bucketbot Says:

    I went out and …
    I went out and bought a juicer (not the one in the video, as i could not afford it) based soley on the smoothie made in this video.
    I just finished consuming the apple/banana/cream cheese smoothie made in this video…


    If you where thinking about buying a juicer and starting to make these smoothies…DO IT! It will be well worth it!

    thanks for the Video Rener. I hope to train with you some day.

    take care

  8. ThePoorBoy Says:

    Great to see that …
    Great to see that the Gracies are big believers in fruit.

    I would like to recommend a book called “The 80/10/10 Diet.” It advocates a fruit-heavy raw vegan diet, but the formula can apply to any diet. MANY great ideas for smoothies!

    Twice a day, I do a 6-8 banana-based smoothie (including 1 cup of filtered water), sometimes with 1 other fruit depending on the season. Instead of cream cheese, I add 1 or 2 raw organic eggs for a protein kick and B-12. Delicious!

    Cheers to the Gracies…

  9. q1111w Says:

    i like the way you …
    i like the way you talk

  10. BlackDice572 Says:

    Oh ok. I believe …
    Oh ok. I believe that’s why the cream cheese was added.

  11. jbone488 Says:

    i know that. But …
    i know that. But the smoothie could be alot better for you if they took the time to add other ingredients like whole oats or organic peanut butter. as it is, this shake would cost alot of money and is pretty unrealistic for most people to make. why not add cheap and healthy ingredients to make it more of a complete meal. Thats all i was saying

  12. BlackDice572 Says:

    Everything that is, …
    Everything that is, or ever has been, alive has protien in it. The only exception include some very rare prokaryotic bacteria.

    225g of banana has between 2-4g of protien. Its not much, but its there. If you want to argue back, google it first before you say something stupid.

  13. mikeclip Says:

    watch ur mouth….. …
    watch ur mouth……..if a gracie says somethin as serious as diets, it must be correct. So there

  14. jbone488 Says:

    not true at all
    not true at all

  15. crumolater Says:

    Wow, I must have …
    Wow, I must have had like ten cups of coffee before you made this video

  16. blazeing65 Says:

    nice guide to make …
    nice guide to make a smoothie ^^ 5/5 and subbed and faved =D

  17. Menof09 Says:

    hahahaha. Gotta …
    hahahaha. Gotta love the intensity and the instruction of correct apple cutting techniques

  18. jbone488 Says:

    everything is so …
    everything is so intense… DEEP APPLE WHOLE OH YEAA!

  19. jtbell30 Says:

    3:3 = 1:1
    3:3 = 1:1

  20. jtbell30 Says:

    Suck on it like a …
    Suck on it like a dick.

  21. 888zzz Says:

    Gotta be a little …
    Gotta be a little careful with the amount of fruit consumed because of their high sugar content. Any combination of fruits is healthy.

  22. didibjj Says:

    man I always …
    man I always thought you should add a bunch of stuff. Hey where can I find high quality juice and smoothie blenders like the ones you have???

  23. undefeatd4 Says:

    YOU THUMB IT!!! …
    YOU THUMB IT!!! hahaha

  24. yes350yes Says:

    One thing that is …
    One thing that is not mentioned is how it affects your bowel habits in a good way. After about a week of doing this every day, the last couple of days has been surprising.

  25. yes350yes Says:

    Rener uses frozen …
    Rener uses frozen bananas to make the mix cold and for no other reason. I use ice cubes to make it cold plus a little milk and it still is delicious.

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