Rather than reach for a chocolate bar for your mid- afternoon snack, try this natural smoothie for an energy boost.
You will boost your energy in a natural way and satisfy your hunger. It is also great prior to exercise or to build some muscle mass.
1 mango
medium pineapple
1 banana
2 dates
3 tablespoons plain yoghurt (live preferably)
1 teaspoon desiccated coconut
teaspoon manuka honey (organic is best)
A handful of ice
1. Peel the mango and cut off the flesh around the stone.
2. Peel the pineapple and cut into pieces.
3. Juice the mango and pineapple together.
4. Remove the stones from the dates.
5. Put the combined juice into a blender and add all the rest of the ingredients, including the dates.
6. Whiz the mixture together to create a smooth blend.
7. Pour into glasses and enjoy.
Serves 1 to 2