Amy’s High Protein Banana Mini Loaf

High Protein Banana Mini-Loaf


105g steel cut oats (or grinded oats)

9 egg whites 1 scoops vanilla protein powder

8grams SF FF Banana pudding mix (1 serving)

90 grams raw banana

Cinnamon & Nutmeg to taste (optional)

2-3 packets of splenda (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In bowl mix all ingredients together making sure it is blended well.

Spray mini loaf pan with cooking spray.

Pour batter into mini loaf pan.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes.

Nutritional Information: Makes 3 mini loaves

Calories: 276

Total Fat: 3.6 g

Total Carbohydrate: 35 g

Protein: 29

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Duration : 0:2:20
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[youtube 3xlKwfliqw8]

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