Nutrition value of dried fruits and fresh fruits?

What is the nutrition value of dried fruits like banana, papaya, pineapple etc.  Do we get the same vitamins as fresh fruits?

Drying doesn’t remove the food value of fruits, only removes water. They still contain vitamins A, the B vitamins and any trace elements that were present before drying. Vitamin C would most likely be destroyed as it is water soluble, but a C rich fruit like the cranberry might retain a trace. The calorie content is the same.

One Response

  1. ditsy Says:

    Ignore that intrusuve blogspot nut.
    Drying doesn’t remove the food value of fruits, only removes water.
    They still contain vitamins A, the B vitamins and any trace elements that were present before drying.
    Vitamin C would most likely be destrroyed as it is water soluble, but a C rich fruit like the cranberry might retain a trace.
    The calory content is the same.
    References :

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