Nutrition question?

My science teacher told me that eating bananas every morning as breakfast is bad because your body gets used to it and the sugar gets stored as fat from the banana.  I  know a lot about nutrition but I haven’t heard this one before. She also said the banana does something to your DNA lol?

The answer to both your questions is NO!

Banana’s are completely healthy, and carry a healthy form of sugar found in fruits that is good in moderation.

Keep on eating banana’s!

2 Responses

  1. Cruserrr Says:

    The answer to both your questions is NO! Banana's are completely healthy, and carry a healthy form of sugar found in fruits that is good in moderation. Keep on eating banana's!
    References :

  2. Violet Pearl Says:

    I can't imagine a banana altering your DNA- that's weird
    But bananas do have a high sugar content and aren't the best thing to eat for breakfast unless it's just a small part of your breakfast.
    References :

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