MRM, Low Carb Protein, Creamy Strawberry-Banana Shake, 1.784 lbs (810 g)

MRM, Low Carb Protein, Creamy Strawberry-Banana Shake, 1.784 lbs (810 g)   Banana Shake

Incredibly Creamy & Delicious! Only 2g Carbs/Serving Delicious Strawberry Banana Shake NitroZyme – Enzyme Complex that Enhances Protein Absorption and Maximizes the Benefits of Ingested Protein Sustained Release Protein Blend Maximizes Amino Acid Delivery to ALL Muscle Cells

Easily Digested Low in Cholesterol Rich in BCAAs & L-Glutamine 22 g of Protein Per Serving Sustained Release Whey Protein Complex Low Carb Protein delivers a unique source of protein by combining a highly refined Ultrafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate, Instantized Calcium Caseinate and Cross Flow Microfiltration and Ion-Exchange processed whey.

This unique blend offers a sustained release of “Fast & Slow” proteins, meaning that the amino acids enter the bloodstream at different rates. This allows for higher amino acid concentrations in the blood for longer periods of time, therefore, increasing nitrogen retention.

Low Carb Protein is also remarkably high in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), which are the most required amino acids needed to replenish muscle stores that are utilized during strenuous exercise. The Next Generation Protein

The biochemists at MRM have taken protein supplementation to the next level, without the worry of wasting ingested protein. The addition of NitroZyme helps breakdown long and short chain amino acids into smaller, more readily absorbable amino acids for maximum digestion and absorption. Some concerns with the popular “high protein diet” used by many bodybuilders and dieters is that the body is unable to naturally digest high amounts of protein at one time.

NitroZyme helps the body release more amino acids from ingested protein than digestive enzymes alone. So when individuals (men, women, seniors as well as athletes of all ages and sports) take Low Carb Protein enhanced with NitroZyme, the body can absorb more free amino acids directly into the muscles to increase muscle size, strength and lean body mass.

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