Health Fruits Make For A Healthy Diet!


Fruit has been around since the beginning of the world, and man has been eating it for as long as man has been on this earth. (Except for recently, all we seem to eat is french fries and pizza.) Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and different types of enzymes that help to keep you healthy.

Most fruits are easily digested and they have a cleansing effect on your blood and your digestive tract. Here is the nutritional value for a few common types of fruit:

Apple – Apples tend to help put a stop to diarrhea, and they also are a good source of calcium and vitamin A. The skin of an apple has far more nutritional value than the flesh, and it gradually decreases towards the center of the fruit.

– Ripe bananas are also used to relieve diarrhea, whereas the unripe fruit can stop constipation. Bananas are very high in calories, which can give you a boost of energy when you are down. Bananas also contain many vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, iron, and vitamin C.

Cherry – This fruit is used to cleanse the system, and can also help prevent dental problems. Cherries have also been used to help insomniacs get a good night sleep.

Coconut – The nutritional value of this fruit is it tends to cool the body. Coconuts are also a rich source of potassium, and coconut oil is often found in shampoos and conditioners, because it has a restorative effect on hair.

Orange – Oranges are good for relieving thirst, and also contain many different vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, B, C and calcium. Oranges are actually one of the highest foods in Vitamin C. Oranges and orange juice have long been thought of to help give your immune system a boost, and to help fight sickness.

Watermelon – The nutritional value of a watermelon is that it is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. A watermelon is also very useful in cleansing your system including cleaning your kidneys, and purifying your blood. Watermelon can also help to fight different types of infections because it increases urine flow.

Fruits are a delicious way to increase the nutrition of your diet. Plus, they are easy to integrate into your diet – just add fruitk, especially banana, to your breakfast cereal, your salad, your dessert, your sandwich, or anywhere you like! The more fresh fruit you add to your diet, the more health, nutritious, energy-filled your diet will be!

Adrian Adams


4 Responses

  1. Ford C Says:

    Is it possible to have a healthy diet without eating vegetables and fruits?
    I hate vegetables and very rare do i eat fruits as well except for bananas, oranges and apples. I usually take brown bread, banana, chocolate drink in the morning…biscuits, bananas in the afternoon and oatmeal, fish, bananas in the evening. I want to lose weight without compromising my health. Am i eating the right food? Aside from doing the usual excercises like walking and jogging, are there any alternatives to lose weight and stay healthy without eating vegetables?

  2. alwaysupordown Says:

    Vegetables are essential when it comes to losing weight. They are the right kind of carbs that you need unlike most breads (wheat is the exception). Fruit is good for you but you don't need to eat a lot of it as it has natural sugars in it.

    There aren't any vegetables you like? There are millions of vegetables, i'm sure there are some you like. Try to get some recipes that incorporate veggies without you really noticing! 🙂
    References :

  3. sha1gon Says:


    You can take a multivitamin.
    References :

  4. HandyMan Says:

    I think vegetables are the most important food there is, by far.
    Fruit is healthy, but not necessarily good for losing weight as it contains quite a lot of sugar.
    The biscuits you should certainly drop out of your diet.
    References :

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