This is a Video from Last Year about the Banana Diet Fad in Japan…

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Japan Went Bananas For a New Diet

Banana sales have skyrocketed in Japan this summer as many are itching to try the latest fad in dieting- a Morning Banana Diet. According to leaders of Dole Japan, a leading banana importer, over the past four months, the increase in demand for bananas has been a cause raise their imports by 25 percent.

Hiromi Ohtaki, a representative for Dole Japan noted that sales for bananas traditionally will drop over the summer months, but this year, despite the increase in imports, supplies are struggling to meet the demand and Japan is struggling to cope.

The Morning Banana Diet, made popular by Sumiko Watanabe, a pharmacist in Osaka, consists of a simplistic schedule whereby the dieter eats only one or more bananas for breakfast with a glass of room temperature water. Then he or she can eat anything for lunch and dinner must be consumed by 8pm.

The Dieter must not eat dessert and all meals must be consumed by 12 midnight. Mrs. Watanabe designed the diet to increase the metabolism of her overweight husband, who, in due course lost over 37 pounds and then introduced the diet on to one of Japans largest social networks called Mixi, where it gained popularity. The diet has since become even more popular through endorsements by local celebrities.

Duration : 0:3:39

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