Banana spider eating grub.





Video of a banana spider eating a grub FAQ: Q: How did the grub get into the web? A: I put it there Q: Why is this featured? A: Because they couldn’t feature the real version, shown below as a movie response, due to the music is has in it.

FULL VERSION IS HERE: It’s much longer, and has music. Sorry for the confusion. Want to learn more about it? Go here:

Duration : 0:1:9

[youtube ULmKmi9ac0c]

25 Responses

  1. crs1012 Says:


  2. robloxianmaster Says:

    i was talking about …
    i was talking about the banana spider

  3. pattrow1992 Says:

    the spiders all …
    the spiders all like I am going to turn you into poo

  4. m4x0rz1337 Says:

    Yes. Grubs are a …
    Yes. Grubs are a nutritious treeet

  5. m4x0rz1337 Says:

    Probably has an …
    Probably has an advertising contract with one of the manufacturers =P

  6. robloxianmaster Says:

    can i eat that…
    can i eat that…

  7. Froladriel Says:

    that spider looks …
    that spider looks like it has a bunch of sporty knee pads.

  8. anarkhy666 Says:

    But how was the …
    But how was the spider? Did it survived?

  9. nitrogas85 Says:

    i was biten by one …
    i was biten by one of these spiders at work, i work in tescos btw on the backdoor doing deliveries and i was unloading a delivery of fruit veg meat u know and i put my hand on the trays to pull em off the delivery and i felt a sharp pain i jumped back and the spider fell off my hand then run im lucky to be alive i went to hospital and had anti venom i felt dizzy sick and i had a really bad headache about 10 mins after being bitten my nickname at work is now spiderman lol

  10. thedevo01 Says:


  11. lAnanexl Says:


  12. polonium9 Says:

    oh i …
    oh i myself SORRY FOR THE CURSING

  13. liambyehigh Says:

    i think in order …
    i think in order for this to be more entertaining for me i would have funny voice overs to make it funny!!! HA HA HA!!! isnt that what people do on youtube???

  14. BlacklitFloater Says:

    mmm! grub juice. I …
    mmm! grub juice. I love how at the end it looks like it’s tipping the grub up like “bottom’s up!”

  15. FireDrag1091 Says:

    The spider does not …
    The spider does not eat. But it fills the victim with its dew and sucks the juices from the bug.

  16. Gerold1981 Says:


  17. cenacrazed544 Says:

    lmao I was thinking …
    lmao I was thinking that too =P

  18. GuitarHeroDude777 Says:

    holy i member …
    holy i member i had a job at the local supermarket where i had to put latex gloves on and check the banana crates to see if there was anythin dangerous and one time i found a spider web and i think it had somethin glike 300 eggs and a mother spider it freaked the outta me cuz the banana spider was still in the crate

  19. Moloshed Says:

    :55 – 1:00

    Looks …
    :55 – 1:00

    Looks like the spider is uppercutting the grub lol

  20. dali6105 Says:

    Fuck, I remember …
    , I remember walking into their webs face first at night on Okinawa.

  21. ronimacarroni Says:

    I’ll provoke …
    I’ll provoke whatever I please, its my house, the spider can GTFO or die

  22. cosmo4646 Says:

    I had one of those …
    I had one of those crawl on my helmet when going thru the jungle in Okinawa when i was in the Marine Corp. seriuosly the size of my hand scared the crap out of me.

  23. hyperkris Says:

    If you are scared …
    If you are scared by spiders why did you watch the video?

  24. dr0war Says:

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG im gonna have nightmares for life now im seriously scared to death of that spider THATS HUGE

  25. NathalieCullen Says:

    I’m glad I live in …
    I’m glad I live in the Netherlands…….its too cold for such nasty spiders!!!

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