Morning Banana Diet




The Morning Banana Diet involves eating only a banana (2.00 for a bunch) in the morning. It is the most popular diet in Japan right now …

Duration : 0:1:59

[youtube DEF1vg5DvNw]

5 Responses

  1. emzirek Says:

    1:04 I am still …
    1:04 I am still waiting for the finish of these statement …

  2. poetsandpornstarsfan Says:

    i love bananas! in …
    i love bananas! in fact that is what i had for dinner last night… i dont need to diet but since i am going to las vegas this weekend and all of the next two weeks i dould lose a pound or 2. i am leaving tomorrow! yayz!!

  3. ZebraStripesStandOut Says:


  4. nirav123abc Says:

    hey whoever made …
    hey whoever made this video…it’s very irritating. use basic common sense…jsut write down the points…no one has time to read 2-3 points for so long…with pictures of a banana in the middle for extra frustration…

    damn jsut how many idiots is this world made up of…

    btw the content is good.

  5. plasmagic Says:

    they say u shouldnt …
    they say u shouldnt eat banana with empty stomach

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