Making a banana cake!

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This video shows how to make a delicious low-fat banana cake. It is tasty and really easy to make! …

Duration : 0:5:25

[youtube BuVrbkgrNvM]

11 Responses

  1. hurryingj Says:

    that blender sounds …
    that blender sounds a bit dodged

  2. kikhard20k Says:

    Uhm, that is really …
    Uhm, that is really a low-fat Banana cake and looks delicious too, thank you very much for your effort and sharing your knowledge in baking.

  3. akamoet Says:

    lol cute
    lol cute

  4. sofiekat Says:

    Divine, but could …
    Divine, but could have been better with some cardamom. However, your cake was shambolic. I succumbed into my greatest food curiousity, that is banana. It was very average. However, some carmel to the base would have set the cake apart from the rest of the wannabe Nigella Lawsons.

  5. mskerripa Says:

    That looks SO GOOD! …
    That looks SO GOOD! I’m going to try that!

  6. captainjaneway75 Says:

    I have a fan …
    I have a fan isted oven – quite fierce! Also large cakes retain more moisture if cooked at a lower temp for longer!!
    Thanks for watching my film!

  7. celzhang Says:

    wow! you cook at a …
    wow! you cook at a very low temperature!

  8. dive4roger Says:

    I had a piece and …
    I had a piece and then when back for more when nobody was watching! YUMMMYYYYYYY!!!!

  9. captainjaneway75 Says:

    Thanks!!!! Yes …
    Thanks!!!! Yes indeed all my fabulous colleagues get to eat my lovely banana cakes!

  10. kirstywilliams07 Says:

    Trust me.. I’ve had …
    Trust me.. I’ve had a few slices and it is awesome!!

  11. helstonscience Says:

    Nice cake, nice …
    Nice cake, nice video.
    Who got to eat it?

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