Nov 26
Banana Skin Fertilizer
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Other Banana | icon4 11 26th, 2020| icon3No Comments »

Did you know … you can use banana skins as fertilizer for your plants?

Nov 23
Nov 19

This is a comprehensive site about Banana, bannana or bananna!

As Banana site grows we will cover banana recipes for all sorts of things, banana drinks, banana diet and nutrition, banana facts, information about banana trees, skins and all sorts of other banana related information.

We are into sharing information and if you have any ideas to improve our site or recipes then please use our page to Contact Us.

Enjoy the site and enjoy your Bananas!

Nov 16
Banana Nutrition
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Nutrition | icon4 11 16th, 2020| icon3No Comments »

The banana has been called “the fruit of the wise”. The more you learn about the banana, the more this makes sense. It contains minerals and vitamins that are essential for a healthy body. A banana tastes good yet they are surprisingly healthy. Bananas are an ideal fruit for the whole family. It is easy to eat, easy to take somewhere, easy to peel and loved by children, athletes, grandparents, workers, anyone looking for a nutritious snack.

Banana Nutrition Facts

One fallacy associated with bananas is around the topic of constipation. They are actually high in fibre which, as well as making them good for your cardiovascular health, also helps avoid constipation. Bananas are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

They contain potassium, Vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, Vitamin C, a full range of B vitamins including Vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, copper, pantothenic acid and zinc. The plantain banana, when cooked, rates slightly higher on the nutritional scale of minerals and vitamins but similar to the fruit banana in protein and fibre content.

Bananas also have nutritional value for eyesight. Banana is given to premature babies and has been proven to aide malnourished children.

Banana Calories

Most of a banana is just water, although 35% percent of it is actually sugars. They are responsible for more than 50% of the calories in a banana. Bananas contain more digestible carbohydrates than any other fruit. The body burns off calories from carbohydrates more easily and quickly than calories from fat or protein.

A medium sized banana has around 100 calories and a large banana around 130 calories. Just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. The banana is rated the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. When we talk about the calorie levels above, these are fresh, raw bananas.

When we cook, steam or dry the bananas that take out a lot of the vitamins and lower the nutritional value. For example, take banana that has been dried like banana chips and you will find that there are over five times the calories of the fresh banana. As you can see, the way that the banana is prepared is extremely important to the nutrient value.

Carbs in Bananas

Potassium helps in the building of muscle and with protein synthesis. Potassium stimulates nerve impulses for muscle contraction. The banana is rich in potassium and free from sodium so it can be included in a diet to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. A diet rich in potassium is said to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke.

Bananas are popular with young people because they provide a quick and easy source of carbohydrate which is needed to provide energy for the brain and your muscles. The best food choices for sport are foods that are high in carbohydrates so you can see why bananas are so popular with sporting people.

Nov 8

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits they are readily available all year round, easily prepared and very nutritious. They are also less expensive than many other fruits.

Including a banana in your breakfast is a great way to start the day.

1. Banana from the Skin

The simplest breakfast is to take your banana, peel back the skin and get right into eating. What could be simpler? What could be as tasty and as good for you? This must surely rate as the easiest, healthy breakfast.

2. Mashed Ripe Bananas

Take ripe sweet bananas and mash them up. You can then eat them either on their own, mixed up with cereal, on toast, or my mothers favourite, as the filling for a sandwich. Whatever way you choose, they provide a breakfast with banana nutritional value.

3. Bananas Sliced in Cold Cereals

If you find the same old cereal a bit boring, bring it alive by adding some sliced up banana. In my eyes there is a huge difference between plain bran for breakfast and bran with sliced banana!

4. Banana Sauce over Cereal

Another simple way to enjoy banana for breakfast is to puree the banana. You may like to add a couple of ice cubes to keep it cool on a hot day, or maybe a couple of tablespoons of water, milk or cream. This can be poured over your cereal for a delicious healthy breakfast alternative.

5. Banana Smoothie

If you prefer a light breakfast drink, then a banana smoothie is the way to go. Milk is mixed together with mashed banana to create a healthy drink. My preference is to use non-fat milk as I find it mixes in the blender to a thicker mixture be warned though do not over mix or it becomes too thick. Add a few drops of vanilla to flavour.

6. Banana Porridge

For a tasty porridge incorporating banana, have a look at the orange and banana porridge recipe. It takes about ten minutes to prepare and will warm you up and fill you on a winter morning before you go about your daily tasks.

7. Banana Pancakes

There are a number of different ways to prepare banana pancakes, some cooking the bananas on top of the pancake while some include the banana in the pancake mix. The simplest way is often my favourite and we usually make the pancakes, slice the bananas on a long angle, add either whipped cream or a little sauce, say maple syrup and roll it up. Yum!!

Nov 1
Banana Spider
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Spider | icon4 11 1st, 2020| icon3No Comments »

The chances are very high that you eat bananas that being the case you simply must read this it may save your life!

The banana spider is regularly referred to as the world’s deadliest spider. By having some knowledge it will help you to do the right thing should this creature cross your path. There are actually two spiders referred to as the ‘banana spider’.

The Golden Silk Spider (Nephila clavipes) are often thought of as banana spiders because of their yellow bodies. Their web is very strongly woven and looks like gold thread in the sunshine. The webs are about three feet wide. These spiders are all over the southern part of the United States, especially in Florida. It is rare for them to bite people. The female is around 3 inches long, yet the male is only 1/2 inch long.

The other spider known as the banana spider is a much more dangerous spider. They are the Phoneutria banana spider known as the Brazilian Wandering Spider. There are eight different species of the phoneutria of which two, the phoneutria nigriventer and phoneutria fera are recognised as being extremely dangerous.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is found over large parts of South America and some parts of Central America. They are called ‘banana spider’ as they are frequently found on banana leaves.

These spiders have on occasion unintentionally appeared on banana boats heading for the United States. They hide in dark moist places and in banana boxes.

My mother recalls as a young child her mother removing a spider from a banana box that arrived at their store all the way down here in New Zealand. To this day she recalls the large size of the spider and how hairy it was. From her description it seems highly likely it was a Brazilian Wandering Spider.

In the Guinness Book of World Records they are listed as the planets most venomous animal. A banana spider is a spider to be extremely wary of
spider to be extremely wary of and one that may well terrify you if you have a fear of spiders.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is extremely fast, extremely venomous and extremely aggressive. If you are bitten by one, you should get immediate emergency treatment as the venom may be life threatening.

The Phoneutria has a potent neurotoxin and is said to have one of the most excruciatingly painful spider bites due to its high concentration of serotonin. The antidote for the bite of one was discovered by Carlos Chagas from Brazil.

They have an aggressive defence posture, in which they raise their front legs straight up into the air and rock from side to side. The wandering spiders are called this because they wander the jungle floor at night rather than having a web or lair.

The Phoneutria is a ‘true spider’. True spiders all have a certain amount of venom. The Phoneutria has very strong venom. Their venom is toxic to the human nervous system, causing symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, salivation and prolonged, painful erections (priapism) in men. Scientists are investigating the phoneutria nigriventer venom as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction.

The Phoneutria nigriventer is the species of banana spider most responsible for cases of venom intoxication in Brazil. It is commonly found in highly populated areas of south-eastern Brazil. The spiders are encountered in peoples homes hiding in poeples’ shoes, hats and other clothes.