Dec 18

Does anyone know any good banana recipes??? and I mean really good ones?;_ylt=AutpiL062nL1pcXYIfTiHHxIY.Y5

Dec 17

Recipe: Banana Bread (with walnuts and dates)

An easy and incredibly tasty Banana Bread. For recipe details:

Duration : 0:4:16

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Dec 16
Rum Cream Bananas Serves 4
  • 250gm (8 oz) packaged cream cheese at room temperature
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar, lightly packed
  • teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 egg, separated
  • 2 tablespoons cream
  • 1 tablespoon rum
  • 30gm (1 oz) butter
  • 8 bananas
  • 1/3 cup cream, extra
  • Extra cinnamon


  1. Beat cream cheese until soft and fluffy.
  2. Gradually add the brown sugar and cinnamon and beat well.
  3. Add lightly-beaten egg yolk and beat until combined.
  4. Stir in the rum and cream, mixing well.
  5. Beat the egg while until soft peaks are formed.
  6. Fold egg white into the cream cheese mixture gently.
  7. Peel the bananas and halve lengthwise.
  8. Melt butter in a pan.
  9. Add the bananas and gently saut over a low heat until they are golden and tender.
  10. Place alternate layers of bananas and cream cheese mixture in a small ovenproof dish.
  11. Finish with a layer of cream cheese mixture on the top.
  12. Spoon extra cream over and sprinkle with the extra cinnamon.
  13. Bake in a moderate over for 15-20 minutes.
  14. The bananas will be heated through and bubbly on top.

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Dec 11
Banana Recipes
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Recipes | icon4 12 11th, 2015| icon3No Comments »

Banana Site is a living growing site that will be providing you with Banana Recipes. Go Banana with us and test out some of these amazing recipes…

To come will be recipes for banana bread, banana cake, banana muffins, banana smoothies, banana split, banana fritters, banana flambe, banana cream pie, banana pudding and banana loaf with varieties of many of these as well. Maybe you are a chocoholic and have to have the chocolate fix in your muffins – we will keep you happy!

There will be more than just the banana recipes, also you will find tips on how to have success with these recipes.As we develop the site further recipes will include more and more banana pictures and some banana videos.

If you have a fantastic recipe or any advice on how we can improve the Banana Site please place a comment or email us at

Dec 8

Bananas Foster


1 c. brown sugar (light or dark)

1/4 # butter

2 bananas

2 oz. banana liquor

1 oz. rum

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

1 oz. Rum (if it is to be flambed)

Vanilla ice cream


Cook the sugar and butter for about 5 minutes.

Add bananas, simmer anoth

If flambing, pull the saut pan back and super heat the front edge of the pan, add another 1 oz rum with a jigger,(do not pour out of the bottle!!) and light with a long match, or roll the flame over the edge of the pan if using gas, jiggling the saut pan will increase the flame.

Serve over vanilla ice cream. nfd

Dec 5
Bananas Body Builder
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Smoothie | icon4 12 5th, 2015| icon3No Comments »

This is a great drink for body building. Wheatgerm, the most nutritious part of the wheat grain, is packed with B and E vitamins, protein and minerals. When you combine it with bananas, you get a great carbohydrate-rich drink that is boosted by the goodness of orange juice and linseed and is perfect before exercise. Linseed contains essential fatty acids that are good for the heart.


30ml/2 tablespoon wheatgerm
1 large banana, chopped
130gm/4oz (a generous cup) soya yoghurt
15ml/1 tablespoon linseed (flax seeds)
Juice of 1 lime
Juice of 1 large orange
Mineral water (optional)
Linseed and grated lime zest, for decoration


1. Put the wheatgerm, the banana, the yoghurt and linseed in a blender or food processor.

2. Blend until smooth then scrape down the sides of the bowl.

3. Stir well.

4. Add the lime and orange juice to the yoghurt mixture.

5. Blend again until evenly mixed.

6. Pour the juice into a large glass and top up with mineral water, if desired.

7. Use the linseed and lime zest to decorate, then serve.

Makes 1 large glass

Dec 2

The banana really is one amazing fruit. Where else do you find a natural package of vitamins and minerals, packed together to taste so good, and sealed in its own peel?

Convenient, tasty, healthy and so clean and easy to prepare – just peel and eat.

Then we have the skin with its own attributes, and so good for the garden – they even tell me you can use them to shine your shoes!

The banana has been called “the fruit of the wise”. With all the minerals and vitamins in them that our bodies need, it only makes sense to make them a regular part of our diet.

If you have had the privilege of raising children – here is a food they all seem to eat. Whoppee!

Whether you are young, old, big or small, bananas make a tasty and healthy part of our daily food.

Are Bananas Healthy?

Are Bananas Healthy?

Bananas and Health

One of the key benefits of banana being included in our diet certainly involves the banana nutrients. There are other benefits to add to those though. Look at how convenient the banana is.

We often take fruit with us to events – the banana lasts the distance much better than most other fruit. It is extremely easy to eat, no matter where you are.

The banana tastes great. They are also an affordable fruit. As our economic times get tougher, a factor to bear in mind.

Banana Nutritional Information

The nutritional value of a banana isn’t as recognized as I first thought. In fact, there are a number of myths about concerning the banana so lets get to the facts.

Some peole think that the banana causes constipation. Bananas are actually high in fiber and at the same time as making them good for your cardiovascular health, fiber actually also helps avoid constipation. And, fiber also keeps your intestines healthy.

It is a diarrhea sufferer’s ally. A soothing substance that may stop the diarrhea and replace what you’ve lost, without causing constipation. It helps replace electrolytes, the very tiny electrical charges needed to power the body and maintain fluid balance.

Bananas contain potassium, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin’s A,B and C, thiamin, niacin, copper, pantothenic acid and zinc.

A banana is cholesterol free.

The plantain banana when cooked, rates at a slightly higher level on the nutritional scale for vitamins and minerals than fruit bananas. They are both similar in their protein and fibre content.

The way a banana is prepared is extremely important to the nutrient value. Cooking and drying can diminish nutrient value.

Calories in Bananas

People often ask – how many calories are in a banana?

That largely depends on the size of the banana. A raw, fresh, medium sized banana is around the 100 calories mark (weight for weight, about the same as cottage cheese).
A larger banana may have up around 135 calories.

There are other things to consider with bananas though. Bananas derive nearly 92% of their calories from carbohydrates, around 4% of their calories from protein, and 4% from fats.

A banana is filling and is ideal for children’s morning break or an after school energy boost.

Carbs in Bananas

If you are on a low carbohydrate diet in an effort to burn fat, you need to consider the carbohydrates in addition to how many calories are in a banana.

The body burns off calories from carbs more easily and quickly than calories from fat or protein. Bananas are an excellent food for weight loss.

Bananas can help children to learn better at school. The fuel your brain uses is glucose, just like your muscles. The glucose in your body comes directly from carbohydrate foods like bananas. The glucose in blood is used whenever you think or learn something new.

Bananas contain three natural sugars, fructose, sucrose and glucose along with fiber. This provides an instant and substantial boost in energy.

No other fruit contains more digestible carbohydrates than bananas.

Bananas are a quick and easy source of carbohydrates which is needed to provide energy for muscles and the brain.

What are the best food choices before sport? Food that is high in carbs. Carbohydrates top up the natural fuel used by muscles in sport. The banana is the favourite fruit of many active people. They are easy to eat, rich in carbohydates and help you to perform in your sport.

Potassium in Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium. From a muscle building perspective, your nerves need potassium to tell out muscles what to do. This is important to the weight trainer to build muscle. A diet rich in potassium is also said to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke.

Bananas are also relatively free from sodium so they can be included in a diet to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

It is believed that potassium may help to counteract the increased urinary calcium loss which is caused by the high salt diet typical of our western civilisation.

Bananas contain pectin and malic acid. They are refreshing when eaten raw.

The vitamin B6 in bananas helps in teh synthesis of antibodies in the immune system apart from red blood formation, protein metabolism and functioning of the central nervous system.

Actually bananas are the best fruit source of vitamin B6.

Dec 1

In brief, the banana is a large herbaceous plant cultivated in tropical and semi-tropical regions in great abundance.It is one of the most productive plants known.

People often talk of the fruit growing on banana trees as the plant resembles a tree in some ways.In actual fact, the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, which literally means fake stem.

The fruit of the banana is nutritious and the staple food of the natives in man of the Pacific Islands as well as other countries.

The banana bears its fruit in compact, hanging clusters.The clusters are made up of up approximately 3-20 tiers.Each tier of fruit is called a hand and has up to 20 fruit. An individual fruit is known as a banana or finger.

The total of the hanging clusters is referred to as a bunch.They are known commercially as a stem.Their weight ranges from 30-50kg.An average fruit is 125gm.

There are two major kinds of banana:Fruit bananas, which are eaten raw or cooked and plantain bananas, which are cooked as vegetables.

Dec 1

What should I do with bananas? Any good banana recipes?

I have lots of bananas and they will turn brown soon. What can I make with them?

Thank you for your time.

You should let them go rotten and then make banana bread! It’s the best. Here’s a good banana bread recipe to try out.