Jul 31

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How Many Calories Are in a Banana Milkshake?

The calories in a banana milkshake vary, depending on how it is prepared, but a banana milkshake can range anywhere from 200 calories to 400 calories per 8-ounce serving.

Inspect nutritional information to determine a banana milkshake’s calorie count with healthy advice from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on nutrition.

Expert: Christine Marquette Bio: Christine E. Marquette is a registered and licensed dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, Texas. She conducts nutrition therapy at the clinic. Filmmaker: Todd Green

Duration : 0:2:22

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Jul 30

Lolita Margarita Glass- Banana Margarita Glass  Banana Margarita Glass

Lolita banana margarita glass featuring the hand-painted margarita design by Lolita. Perfect for margarita lovers and part of the love my margarita collection from Tracy Lolita Yancy, this high quality glassware is a unique piece of art and comes individually gift boxed. 12 oz. margarita glass comes with a unique margarita recipe printed on the bottom of the glass.

A quick favorite with the collector’s, be sure and check out the entire Lolita Love my Margarita collection. YES….we have had to raise our prices due to manufacturer requirements, drop us an email and we will send you a coupon code for an additional discount (LIMITED TIME OFFER…)

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Jul 29

I bought two banana plants last fall left them in pots and bad fall so they both died..now I want to plant my own from seed, and need to know if you need special fertitizer or anything else..

Yes banana trees may be planted in an region of the country when all danger of frost is gone. now as to their returning next year that is another question. I live in hort zone 7a and mine die down with the first frost. I then cut them down and mulch well and they return in the late spring.

They do require food. I use a 15-30-15 on mine (the blue stuff). I have never seen banana seed but I believe they are propagated through off shoots. They can be overwintered in a greenhouse or in a very sunny area in the house.

You also might grow them in large tubs and let the first frost take the tops and move them to an area that doesn’t freeze.

Hope this helps.

Jul 28

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Nutrition & Vitamins:  What is the Nutritional Value of a Banana?

The nutritional value of a banana includes having a high amount of potassium, being a great source of soluble fiber and containing vitamin B6 as well as vitamin C.

Reap the nutritional benefits of the banana, which is a nutritious supplement to any diet, with healthy advice from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on nutrition.

Expert: Christine Marquette Bio: Christine E. Marquette is a registered and licensed dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, Texas. She conducts nutrition therapy at the clinic. Filmmaker: Todd Green

Duration : 0:1:28

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Jul 27
Banana Cream Pie Popcorn
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Recipes | icon4 07 27th, 2009| icon3No Comments »

Banana Cream Pie Popcorn

It’s hard to improve upon our secret-recipe Caramel corn, but the chef has done just that by blending it with banana chips, coconut and yogurt-covered pretzels.

Now you can enjoy banana cream pie by the handful! 1 lb. 8 oz.

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Jul 26

My dwarf cavendish banana plant develops very large bunches of bananas. Just before the are due to start ripening they fall over. I water them every second day and they are fed cow manure. Any Ideas???

I used to cut the bunch off but I found that the bananas all ripened at once.

We tried leaving the bunch to ripen on the plant and found that the bananas ripened 2-4 per day, which was really convenient. This worked for about half a dozen bunches the the problem with the plant falling started. The plant is not being uprooted, but folding in half.

I’ve tried propping the plant but just had one collapse right above the prop. I’m not too sure if there is a deficiency, or if I just have a commercial variety that was never meant to support the bunch so long.

The bananas haven’t quite lost their sharp ridge, so I do’t think they would be ready to pick even for a commercial basis. I would estimate the bunches to be around 50-60 Kg

Personal observation in the tropics. Clutches of bananas are cutoff for the market way before they ripen; these hard and green bananas are allowed to ripen naturally until they’re soft enough to consume. The relatively short roots of the plant, over-watering (loosened soil), weight of large bunches would be the likely cause.

Jul 25

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Banana Plant

Duration : 0:0:22

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Jul 24

Nesco Gardenmaster Digital 1000 Watt Pro Food Dehydrator

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Jul 23

There are yellow and brown spots on the leaves of my banana plant. Why is this? How do I fix it?

The leaves always do that. The lower leaves start to turn yellow, and new leaves will be green. At least on my basjoo bananas, when they are small. I get one new leaf a week.

If you have had this banana for a while, and it is just starting to do this it may be a different story. If you have just got it and stuck it in direct sunlight it may be affected by not being acclimated to the difference in light from a green house to direct sun.

Jul 22

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Diet & Nutrition – About Depressions, Whey Protein & Bananas

Whey protein and bananas both contain precursors to the neurotransmitters in the brain that affect depression and mood, and therefore, may help in preventing depression.

Eat healthy whey protein and bananas to improve mood with advice from a nutritional consultant in this free video on nutrition.

Expert: Charlotte Skiles Contact: www.charlotteskiles.com Bio: Charlotte Skiles is the founder of Eat in Peace Wellness Consulting, in Austin, Texas. Filmmaker: Todd Green

Duration : 0:1:30

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