May 31

For example some fruits like banana’s and grapes taste better frozen, does that take away the nutrition?

NOPE, as a matter of fact many frozen foods are healthier than non frozen. Vegetables are a fine example of this as well as fruit. The food is picked and washed an frozen, usually all in the same day if not within hours. Fresh food is picked and taken to a warehouse, then shipped to a wholesaler and picked up by a market and then into the store.

This can take from a couple of days to a week depending upon where the store is located in reference to the grower. All this time the food is loosing it’s nutritional value. So fresh is not always healthier as frozen can actually be fresher vitamin wise.

May 30




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Banana pancakes are a great breakfast recipe. If you want to enjoy your Banana Pancakes Jack Johnson style, follow this recipe from Chef Jason Hill. This banana pancake recipe is completely homemade and tastes wonderful on a lazy weekend morning, topped with strawberries, whipped cream and maple syrup.

You can easily substitute the whole wheat flour with all purpose flour if you don’t have it in your pantry. Enjoy!

Banana Pancakes 2 eggs 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup whole-wheat flour 2 cups …

Duration : 0:2:24

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May 29



Everyone agrees on the importance of eating more fruits and vegetables, but not enough people are following this important advice. Dietary experts recommend that every person should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest changes you can make to increase your level of health, lose weight and gain fitness.

The latest food guidelines recommend that adults eat from five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. While that may seem like a lot, it is an important goal to strive for, and a very reachable one.

A serving of a fruit or vegetable is equal to:

1.  1 medium sized vegetable or fruit (such as an apple, orange or banana)
2.  2 small fruits (such as kiwi fruit or plums)
3.  ½ cup of fresh, frozen or canned fruits or vegetables
4.  ½ cup of 100% fruit juice
5.  ¼ cup of dried fruit
6.  1 cup of green salad

Study after study has shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. One reason for the recommendation that everyone increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables is that many of these foods have been shown to have strong antioxidant qualities.

Many fruits and vegetables have high amounts of many antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. In addition to their importance as source of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables also provide essential dietary fiber.

Many people do not realize, that in addition to vitamin C, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits also contain significant amounts of fiber. Fiber plays an important role in digestion, and it is thought to have protective qualities against heart disease and some forms of cancer. In addition, fiber is thought to have the ability to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Another great feature of fruits and vegetables, especially to those watching their weight, is the high nutrition, low fat, and low calorie nature of these foods. Fruits and vegetables contain very low levels of fats, and a diet low in fat can be quite effective for long-term weight loss. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain no cholesterol, and they are lower in calories than many other types of foods.

Fruits and vegetables have a lot of advantages besides just their nutritional importance. For one thing, they taste great and add a great deal of variety to everyday meals. Fruits and vegetables come in such a wide variety of colors, textures and flavors that they can be used in virtually every meal. Those seeking to maximize their consumption of fruits and vegetables should get into the habit of using fruits in salads, as toppings and as garnishes.

No matter what your reason for following a healthy diet, we believe you will find that eating more fruits and vegetables is a delicious, as well as a nutritious, way to get the vitamins and minerals you need every day.

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. When word gets around about your command of healthy diet facts, others who need to know about fruits and vegetables will start to actively seek you out.


Nishanth Reddy


May 28

I usually have a banana and a protein shake after my workout and I work late so I don’t want to workout and then take my post workout meal right after and go to sleep. Sometimes on the weekends I do have time and do workout but do I take it right after my workout or wait a few minutes?

You want to get the protein and banana IMMEDIATELY after your workout. Then you should wait 20-30 minutes and then have your PWO meal.

May 27



Jungle-Fusion Banana Bread Recipe

Jungle-Fusion emerged from the dense tropical rainforests of Costa Rica. It is an organic cuisine that combines classical and modern cooking techniques to transform native jungle fruits, vegetables, and herbs into nourishing

Duration : 0:5:5

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May 26

I heard it was a banana… that if you only eat 7 bananas a day you would be fine and lose weight….

A non-vegeterian Pizza…which will include: Bread, tomato sauce, cheese, peperoni, ground beef or cheicken, peppers and other veggies. Bananas are very high in pottassium and are very heavy on your stomach. What you need to keep on mind is that any type of extreme behaviour will most likely lead to a failure. If you eat banana’s, only bananas,what will happen when you stop and return to normal food? You will most likely gain the weight back.

2nd, don’t starve yourself, aside from not being good for you, it will slow down your metabolisam and you will burn fat a lot slower. I am sure that you are aware of most consequences. Even if pizza is one of the most complete meals, there is not “one” food that will contain it all. You need to eat a variety in order for your body to have all the necessary nutrients.

May 25
Making a banana cake!
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Cake | icon4 05 25th, 2009| icon311 Comments »

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This video shows how to make a delicious low-fat banana cake. It is tasty and really easy to make! …

Duration : 0:5:25

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May 24

Mine is banana !

Banana’s, thats why a you see a lot of sporters eating banana´s. Also my favvourite

May 23
Vegan Banana Muffins
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Muffins | icon4 05 23rd, 2009| icon321 Comments »

Tiny Vegan Kitchen prepares some delicious whole wheat banana muffins. …

Duration : 0:7:52

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May 22

Such as green apples, bananas, oranges, peaches, maybe even homemade applesauce?

This site lists 129 of the worlds healthiest foods. The list has all the fruit you mention, and many more (as well as vegies etc). click on the links individually and it will give you tons of info on each one. Like all the nutrients and the percentages of each, history of each fruit and what they do for your body. Its a really interesting site. check it out..




Here is the entire list.

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