Apr 10

Chronic constipation can be hard to stop or elimination, since the colon has become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement.

For those of you that have mild constipation, here is a morning banana smoothie that will help activate your colon. This smoothie is packed with nutrients that your body will use to regenerate your colon and body.

I have been making this smoothie for a few years. I make enough to drink right away and to put into my thermos to drink around 10am.

When I make this drink I just start putting things in the blender without measuring. You can do the same and make adjustments as you go.

” one peeled banana
” 4-5 strawberries or other type of berries, or fruits
” one tablespoon of lecithin granules
” one – two teaspoons of flax seed oil
” half and half almond milk and apple juice
” in a coffee grinder, grind up around a teaspoon or less of the following:

” Brown sesame seeds – are high in lecithin, vitamin C, E, and Calcium. They improve liver function and help in constipation
” Sunflower seeds – are high protein, Calcium, and iron. They are one of the best natural foods which feed the entire body.
” Flax seeds – are high in fiber and provide bulk for your stools.
” Almonds – use around 6-7 or more. They are high in Calcium, Phosphorus and have some B-vitamins. Only eat a few. They are high in calories.

After grinding the seeds, place them in the blender and blender everything for about 3-4 minutes. If you need a little sweetness, you can add a small amount of honey. I find this drink plenty sweet without any honey.

Sometimes I will add the powder of a few acidophilus capsules.

If I don’t add the almonds, I just put all the tiny seed into the blender without grinding them up. The blender will break them up.

This is a powerful banana smoothie to give you morning power and to activate your colon to get moving.

Rudy Silva

Apr 9

Here it is! The Intro you all have been waiting for! My best Banana Splits and Friends revised intro! With better sound, more action, and some clasic footage. I used the scenes from 3 video clips; Added some sparkles; Got the audio from an MP3 file; And dubbed is some authentic sound effects.

The classic scenes used in the middle of this video are from an original episode. (Banana Splits Adventure Hour)… It’s for you to Enjoy… but please stop trying to comment on it! …

Duration : 0:1:26

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Apr 8

What is the nutrition value of dried fruits like banana, papaya, pineapple etc.  Do we get the same vitamins as fresh fruits?

Drying doesn’t remove the food value of fruits, only removes water. They still contain vitamins A, the B vitamins and any trace elements that were present before drying. Vitamin C would most likely be destroyed as it is water soluble, but a C rich fruit like the cranberry might retain a trace. The calorie content is the same.

Apr 7

If you have acne, you most likely know that it is not a simple thing to get rid of. If you find yourself tired of making and paying for doctor’s visits and costly prescription medications, or if you would rather just try a much more natural approach to curing your ailment, why not try an alternative or natural acne treatment?

Studies have shown acne can be treated naturally. Natural healing works with the body to achieve desired results. It is believed that if we are healthy on the inside, it will show through to our skin. Therefore, it just seems right that natural and alternative treatments first encourage good nutrition and proper diet. Although foods do not cause acne, they can worsen it. By avoiding these, we can help ourselves. Drinking lots of water is also encouraged.

Massage therapy seeks to open blocked pores. It is believed energy pathways will encourage healthy skin. This is accomplished also through acupuncture or reflexology. Acupuncture can also be used to restore hormonal balance to our bodies. It treats the root of the problem and may require you to make some lifestyle changes. Yoga is also used to relieve stress and body tension.

Once good nutrition and stress reducers are introduced, there are some creams and pastes, which can be applied to acne blemishes. Along the lines of aromatherapy, tree tea oil is a natural antiseptic that can kill bacteria. It can be applied directly to the affected areas or mixed with another oil and applied to the entire face. It will reduce redness and inflammation and works like benzoyl peroxide. Baking soda mixed with a small amount of water will create a paste that will be a great scrubbing agent. It will exfoliate your skin. By exfoliating, surface layers of cells that clog pores are removed. Gently massage it on your face for 15 seconds, rinse and pat dry. Aloe Vera is a topical treatment for burns and helps heal acne. In addition, plain oatmeal, cooked, cooled and rubbed on the skin will absorb excess oil and rid your skin of impurities. Repeated treatments of this will produce results.

A natural acne cream you can make at home would combine 1/2 of a banana, 1 small avocado and 1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E in a blender. Apply this to your face for several minutes. Plain yogurt is also a good moisturizer. You can also grind several almonds and add to a little bit of water. This will create a moisturizing paste that also exfoliates.

You can also choose foods that help your digestive system. Cucumbers, lemons and carrot juice all aid in this endeavor. Many believe diet can be the best acne cure. Herbs are also believed to be able to reduce inflammation and infection. Echinacea, licorice, dandelion root and burdock all contain properties that kill bacteria. Salvia and red peony can improve the skin’s ability to heal.

Trying to treat your acne by alternative or natural treatments is an option you can consider if you are afflicted with this skin problem. You really don’t have anything to loose, but you do have something to gain. You can gain control of your skin without exposing yourself to chemicals, side effects or painful procedures.

Matthew Hick

Apr 6

Maple Bananas with Ice Cream

Get all my recipes, fun facts and much more at DaniSpies.com

Duration : 0:2:29

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Apr 5

Labrada Pro-V 60 - Banana Cream, 3.5 lbsLabrada Pro-V 60 – Banana Cream, 3.5 lbs

60g Protein per serving. Excellent P.M. formula. Great for carb-restricted diets. Delicious taste. Aspartame free! You can count on Aspartame-Free ProV60 to help you meet your daily protein needs. Two scoops contain 60g of the finest, easily-digested protein blend.It’s instant, delicious, and easy to use!

Use ProV60 as a timed-release protein supplement or as a low-carbohydrate, high protein meal replacement. Just use two scoops of delicious ProV60 per day if you are male, or one scoop per day if you are female, to supplement your daily protein intake. Give yourself the nutritional insurance and peace of mind you deserve!

Stir a scoop of delicious ProV60 into cold water, milk or yogurt. Or add ProV60 to your favorite recipe to fortify it with a protein kick! Whether you are building muscle, reducing fat, or just eating healthy, ProV60 complements your diet – and at only 6g of carbohydrates per scoop, ProV60 is ideal for carbohydrate-restricted diets. ProV60 is low in sodium, fat and sugar, and high in pure, quality protein! Delicious, nutritious ProV60 is the protein you can trust!

The Labrada Lifestyle – Eating right, working out, and staying healthy is all part of the Labrada Lifestyle. We’re here to support you with nutritious supplements and functional foods. Use ProV60 as part of your daily nutrition and exercise program to help you build/tone muscle, get stronger, and get leaner!

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Apr 4

Diet can have a profound effect on physical and mental health, and certain foods have been shown to combat depression and even mental illness. Good nutrition also eases stress and improves sleeping patterns. First, check with your doctor, then try the “depression fighting” diet for a month, and see if it improves your mood!

Top 10 foods for happiness and well-being:

1. Omega 3 fatty acids are compounds are found in tuna, salmon, walnuts, and canola oil. They can also be purchased in supplement form. Multiple clinical studies have shown Omega 3 fights depression. Omega 3 fats can even help combat more severe mental illnesses, such as bi-polar disorder. A landmark study by Harvard University showed that bi-polar patients receiving high doses of Omega 3 oils stayed in remission longer, and were able to combat depression better. A new study by the Mental Health Foundation shows that fish oils “significantly improve” the behavior of children suffering from ADHD, or attention deficit disorder. And, since these oils are naturally occurring in foods, they are safe for most people to take.

2. Zinc is essential for metabolism and digestion. It plays an important role in immune system function, and helps fight weakness and fatigue. Zinc deficiencies often result in loss of appetite and irritability. Zinc-rich foods are: wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, whole grain wheat bran, and high protein foods.

3. Vitamin B-3 (niacin) is essential for energy conversion in the body. Even mild deficiencies can cause depression, irritability, canker sores, and indigestion. If you regularly get canker sores in your mouth and lips, it may be a sign of B-3 deficiency. Excessive alcohol consumption causes vitamin B-3 deficiencies. Natural sources of this vitamin are beets, pork, chicken, dried beans and oily fish (such as mackerel or salmon).

4. Water is absolutely essential for combating depression and fighting fatigue. Water helps improve mood, motor function, mind power, skin problems, and a host of other maladies. Always drink at least 40 ounces of water a day. If you drink soda or coffee, it is good to increase your water intake, since caffeine acts as a diuretic, pulling water from the body. The benefits are enormous, and the cost is minimal. Drink more water!

5. Vitamin E occurs naturally in wheat germ, nuts, seeds, and some fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E is a potent anti-oxidant and immune booster. It has been shown to strengthen red blood cells and fight viral infection. It is a good supplement for people with chronic fatigue and depression.

6. Calcium can help combat stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that calcium can help combat post-partum depression. Calcium-deficient people regularly complain of difficulty sleeping and cramps. Calcium has the added benefit of being a natural sleep-aid. It is present in milk, cheese, and most dairy products. Other non-dairy sources include broccoli, tofu and fortified orange juice.

7. Folic Acid is found in leafy greens, beans and peanuts, orange juice, wheat germ, and many fortified cereals. Researchers know that low levels of folic acid are directly linked to depression. A University of Toronto study showed that patients with higher levels of folic acid in their systems fought depression faster and more successfully than those without it.

8. Stevia is a natural sweetener made from a leafy green plant. Stevia has been used for centuries as a natural sweetener in Asia, and many diet sodas in Asia are made with Stevia. Although the sugar and artificial sweetener industry has fought stevia’s addition to foods in the United States, it is still freely available in powder and leafy form for consumers to purchase. Stevia is all-natural, non-caloric, and does not have the same side-effects as refined sugar and other artificial sweeteners.

9. Vitamin C is a natural immune-system booster. Depressed people often have suppressed immune systems, and vitamin C rich foods and supplements can help boost your natural immune response. People with vitamin C deficiencies often show signs of depression and stress. Vitamin C is readily available in all citrus fruits, and a variety of inexpensive supplements.

10. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, low energy, and anemia, especially in women. Always check with your doctor before taking an iron supplement. However, there are many natural sources of iron that are easily added to one’s diet without any side-effects of a supplement. Good sources of iron include liver, beef, beans, peas, and nuts. It is easier for your body to assimilate iron from meat rather than vegetable sources. If you are a vegetarian, you can improve your iron assimilation by adding vitamin C to your diet.

Other Possible Causes of Fatigue

Food allergies can also cause a host of problems, including depression and weakness. Sometimes, these allergies are mild, and simply cause stomach upset or mood swings. A close friend of mine just recently discovered that chocolate (cacao) was the trigger for her PMS and horrible migraines. After 46 years, she is finally PMS and migraine-free after giving up chocolate completely. Common food allergies include chocolate, wheat, dairy, and soy.

Avoid Caffeine. One cup of tea or coffee per day is acceptable, but anything more than can cause problems with mood swings, depression, and fatigue. Black tea generally has less caffeine than coffee. If you would like to reduce your caffeine intake, consider switching to tea instead.

Reduce or eliminate your refined sugar intake. It may seem difficult at first, but train yourself to eat something else when you crave refined sugar. Delicious sweet strawberries, blueberries, or sliced oranges can ease your sweet tooth and help keep you on track. Avoid sugary foods and cereals, especially in the morning, when your blood sugar can spike dramatically. Instead, opt for a protein-rich breakfast, with eggs, milk, and sausage or lean meats and a piece of fruit, such as a banana. This type of breakfast helps prevent food cravings and mood swings later on in the day.

Hormone therapy and oral contraceptives can interfere with the absorption of B vitamins. Women that take an estrogen supplement may want to add a B supplement to their diet in order to combat this interference. Ask your doctor if a B supplement is okay.

Finally, if you are one of the many people that gulps down a cup of coffee in the morning and then realizes you are starving at noon, you are doing your body a great disservice every day. Even if you have to force yourself, eat three meals a day, and always start with a good, protein-rich breakfast. If your doctor approves, add some good vitamin supplements to your diet, and drink lots of water. You’ll feel better almost immediately, and you may even lose cravings for unhealthy foods. Take the first step towards better health and a happier life!


Food Ingredients May be as Effective as Antidepressants: Researchers Discover “Mood Foods’ Relieve Signs of Depression.” Harvard University Online. May 2006.

Lark MD, Susan M. ‘Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs for Chronic Fatigue'(Excerpted from The Menopause Self Help Book, Celestial Arts). 1990

‘Vitamin B3 (Niacin).’ University of Maryland Medical Center Alternative Medicine. April 2002.

Christie Pinheiro

Apr 3

A fad diet in Japan has those who want to lose some weight going bananas in the morning. The banana diet calls for bananas and lukewarm water for breakfast and whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Duration : 0:3:27

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Apr 2

My banana tree beared fruit, am I supposed to cut the tree down now? Or will it bear more fruit? Facts only please, don’t answer if you don’t know.


Banana trees bare fruit only once. After the tree sends out its fruit the tree will start to die, but before it does, the plant will send out at least one new shoot at the bottom of the old tree.

If you don’t cut the old tree down it will eventually die, and the plant will look messy. Banana trees, like many other plants, including lawn grass, and some orchids, replenish or reproduce by growing new plants out of their rhizomes.

Editors Comment: The banana is a plant, not a tree.

Apr 1

http://weightloss-transformational.com – How To Make A Diet Shake shows just how easy it is to make this tasty, low fat snack.

Duration : 18 sec

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