Mar 7

CLIF BAR Luna Sport Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana 1.27 lbs

We’ve heard it from women athletes, Team LUNA Chix members and from the LUNA Pro Mountain Bike and Triathlon teams: We have our own way of eating when it comes to training and racing. We run in our own running shoes, ride a bike that fits our size and wear clothes designed for the female body.

When it comes to sports nutrition, however, we have been making do with products that aren’t made for us – making portions smaller, diluting drinks and gels and trying to figure out what our bodies need. Created to meet the specific needs of women athletes, LUNA Sport products take in to consideration things women need like folic acid, calcium, iron, B vitamins and antioxidant vitamins A, C & E.

They are also sized with the right amount of calories to keep you energized and ready for your next workout. LUNA Sport Recovery Smoothie is the first natural women’s protein recovery drink.

With only 120 calories per serving and 8 grams of whey protein, it’s a delicious treat following any workout. Plus it has vitamins and minerals women need for energy production and muscle repair. Also try mixing it with milk or soy for an added boost of calcium and protein!

Enjoy immediately following activity or anytime you want more protein. Mix contents of packet with 8 oz. of cold water, or for an added boost of protein and calcium, mix with milk or soy milk.

Shake well and refrigerate any remaining portion. Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Brown Rice Syrup Solids, Pectin, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Colored With Black Carrot Juice Concentrate, Organic Sunflower Oil, Carnauba Wax, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine HCl, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin.

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Mar 6

How to create a food label for banana cake? For example, the nutrition value, ingredients, etc.

First get all your ingredients analysed. That is your ingredient list.

Secondly check up the nutritional value for each ingredient.This can be calculated from the packaging of the ingredient that you have used or from the nutritional value table(it is a book with a list of nutrient value on each food).

Categorise the nutrient and add them up. eg, total calories, total carbohydrate, total sodium, total fat..etc.

That is your nutritional value table.

Mar 5


1. Almond: The use of almond, after its oil has been extracted, is considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It does not contain any starch.

2. Banana: Bananas are believed to the useful in controlling diabetes. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, “Banana and Skimmed milk furnish a simple and effective method for weight reduction in treating diabetic patients”. Unripe bananas, cooked as a vegetable, are considered especially valuable in this disease.

3. Buttermilk: The use of the buttermilk has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Lactic Acid contained in it stimulates the secretion of the pancreas and thereby helps control blood sugar levels.

4. Flour: Certain whole grain cereals also help to lower blood sugar in diabetes. A mixture of certain flours made from cereals, grains, legumes, and pulses are especially beneficial. One such mixture can be prepared by combining the flour of Soya bean, black gram, jowar, bajra, Bengal gram, wheat bran and barley. This mixed flour can be used for preparing chapattis.

5. Legumes: Lentils and other legumes are considered valuable in diabetes. According to American journal of Clinical Nutrition, they are specially effective in the diet of diabetes patients because of their slow release of energy.

6. Sour Fruits: Certain tart or sour fruits have proved to be valuable in stimulating the pancreas and increase the production of insulin. These fruits include sour apple and sour citrus fruits, which can invigorate pancreas.

7. Teas: Certain types of teas are considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Tea prepared from parsley has been found to lower blood sugar. Certain communities use tea made from tender leaves of walnut for controlling diabetes.

Find complete diabetes information, diabetes supply, diabetes treatment, diabetes diet, diabetes causes, diabetes types. More on Diabetes Mellitus Information and Treatment Supply

Dr John Anne


Mar 4

21 g sugar in a 126 g or medium sized banana.

Mar 3

I want to start making juices of the fruits I eat like apples, pears, banana’s. Will it lose all its nutrition if I do that?

i do not think that they will be losing all their nutrition because its just reduced into juice.

Yah, it also depends on the juicers which do not reduce the pulps and most of the nutriton are gone.

Mar 2


Fruit has been around since the beginning of the world, and man has been eating it for as long as man has been on this earth. (Except for recently, all we seem to eat is french fries and pizza.) Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and different types of enzymes that help to keep you healthy.

Most fruits are easily digested and they have a cleansing effect on your blood and your digestive tract. Here is the nutritional value for a few common types of fruit:

Apple – Apples tend to help put a stop to diarrhea, and they also are a good source of calcium and vitamin A. The skin of an apple has far more nutritional value than the flesh, and it gradually decreases towards the center of the fruit.

– Ripe bananas are also used to relieve diarrhea, whereas the unripe fruit can stop constipation. Bananas are very high in calories, which can give you a boost of energy when you are down. Bananas also contain many vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, iron, and vitamin C.

Cherry – This fruit is used to cleanse the system, and can also help prevent dental problems. Cherries have also been used to help insomniacs get a good night sleep.

Coconut – The nutritional value of this fruit is it tends to cool the body. Coconuts are also a rich source of potassium, and coconut oil is often found in shampoos and conditioners, because it has a restorative effect on hair.

Orange – Oranges are good for relieving thirst, and also contain many different vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, B, C and calcium. Oranges are actually one of the highest foods in Vitamin C. Oranges and orange juice have long been thought of to help give your immune system a boost, and to help fight sickness.

Watermelon – The nutritional value of a watermelon is that it is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. A watermelon is also very useful in cleansing your system including cleaning your kidneys, and purifying your blood. Watermelon can also help to fight different types of infections because it increases urine flow.

Fruits are a delicious way to increase the nutrition of your diet. Plus, they are easy to integrate into your diet – just add fruitk, especially banana, to your breakfast cereal, your salad, your dessert, your sandwich, or anywhere you like! The more fresh fruit you add to your diet, the more health, nutritious, energy-filled your diet will be!

Adrian Adams


Mar 1

I hate the taste of bananas, however, I love the taste of baked or boiled plantains. Plantains are just the baked/boiled version of the raw sweet ones.

Any suggestions would be appreciated???

One version of the banana diet or some more information on the banana diet

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