Mar 19

When I look up abdominal pain and bananas, they say to eat bananas because they are bland. Not me. They cause immediate pain. I’ve experimented with other foods to ensure it is in fact bananas causing it.

The “worst” criticism of bananas that I can find on the net is that they are a mild laxative. For me, however, they are a strong, almost instantaneous laxative, sometimes accompanied by stomach cramping, which can be severe.

I have heard others warn against eating bananas that are too green, saying this causes discomfort for them. My doctor has no information on these effects. Bananas are known to be a very good source of potassium. My personal theory is that, for some people, ingesting a banana results in an intolerably high level of the potassium in the body. The body attempts to rid itself of the “offending” substance as rapidly as possible. If I am correct , the use of “lite salt” exacerbates the problem, as lite salt is mostly KCl. BTW, my doctor is still scratching his head over this

Mar 18

Can you give me some nutritional facts that show that show bananas in a bad light or totally random ones like “in 2001 there were over 300 banana-related incidents in Britain” Thanx

How about…they’re loaded with sugar. As for related incidents… people with sugar diabetes learn they shouldn’t eat them too often.

Mar 17


McDonalds vs Apple, Fast Food vs Fruit, Fun Nutrition Facts Juice vs. Orange Gatorade vs. Banana

Extra Value Meal vs. Apple Coke vs. Apple


Wiki Fast Food Please visit Natalie’s website at This video was produced by psychetruth Psychetruth is empowered …

Duration : 0:6:8

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Mar 16
Banana Muffins
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Muffins | icon4 03 16th, 2009| icon3No Comments »

This muffin recipe is an old favourite of mine.  Simple and tasty, it can also be used with many other types of fruit as a change from bananas.  Another popular alternative is to add chocolate chips to the mix with the fruit.  Around 100gm should be plenty to satisfy the chocoholics amongst us!


2 cups flour

½ teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons banking powder

100gm butter

½ cup castor sugar

1 egg

1 cup milk

Banana – mashed

Sprinkle topping

1 tablespoon sugar

½ teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Cream butter and sugar.
  2. Add egg and milk.
  3. Add the bananas.
  4. Fold in the dry ingredients.  Do not overmix.
  5. Spoon mixture evenly into a deep 12 muffin pan or large 6 muffin pan.
  6. Combine the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the muffins before baking.
  7. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 220ºC.
  8. Stand for 2 or 3 minutes and twist the muffins carefully to loosen before removing from the pan.
Mar 15

Nutrition Facts for medium banana Amount Per 1 medium (7″ to 7-7/8″ long)

Calories 108.56

Calories from Fat 5.1

Total Fat 0.566g

Saturated Fat 0.218g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.105g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.0484g

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 1.18mg

Potassium 467.28mg

Total Carbohydrate 27.65g

Dietary Fiber 2.83g

Protein 1.22g

Alcohol 0g

Vitamin A 2 %

Vitamin C 18 %

Calcium 1 %

Iron 2 %

Vitamin D 0 %

Vitamin E 1 %

Thiamin 3 %

Riboflavin 6 %

Niacin 3 %

Folate 6 %

Vitamin B-6 34 %

Vitamin B-12 0 %

Phosphorus 2 %

Magnesium 9 %

Zinc 1 %

Copper 6 %

Mar 14




Japan’s most popular diet, invented on the Mixi internet service and published in books in early 2008. In early autumn 2008 the banana diet expoded into the mainstream after many magazines, mooks, and television shows covered it.

A mid-September prime time television appearance by opera singer and Morning Banana Dieter iko Mori (of “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” fame) resulted in a nationwide banana shortage in Japan lasting several weeks. Morning Banana Diet …

Duration : 0:2:9

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Mar 13
Eating banana skins?
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Nutrition | icon4 03 13th, 2009| icon312 Comments »

I eat at least one banana every day. I advocate them to people anytime food habits come up in conversation. However, I hate wasting food and I know there’s additional nutrition in the skins I’m throwing away, especially fiber.

They just taste so bad. Does anyone have ideas to make banana skins palettable or even tasty? I would imagine that their rigid texture would break down considerably if I cooked them, but I don’t know what would be the best method.

Maybe you can mix the banana peel in other vegetarian food. That might cancel out their flavor. I know–and I’m not meaning to bring up meat–that in that Moore beefstew stuff–the flavor of the broth cancels out the flavor of the potatoes and carrots. So maybe that might help?

Mar 12


A healthy diet is crucial to the detoxification process. It can be achieved by abstaining from animal products, sugar, alcohol and fat, and replacing them by organic fruits, nuts, wheats and vegetables.

An excellent way to kick off the detoxification process every morning, while giving your body all the nutrition it needs, is Dr. Kousmine’s breakfast.

Doctor Catherine Kousmine (1904-1992), has devoted her life to medical research in Switzerland with special interest in the effects of food on overall health, and cancer and disease prevention.

The diet she recommends is rich in cereals, raw food and essential fatty acids, and has thousands of faithful health-conscious followers around the world.

The highlight of Dr Kousmine’s diet is her power breakfast -the infamous Kousmine cream- based on a mixture of ingredients that she developed with the German doctor Johanna Budwig.

Dr Budwig (born in Germany in 1908- 2003) has been referred to as a top European Cancer Research Scientist, Biochemist, German Pharmacologist, and Physicist. She was a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee. She is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on fats and oils. Her research has shown the negative effects that commercially processed fats and oils have on destroying cells, and their food-processing function in the body, resulting in chronic or terminal disease.

Her research shows that the commercial processing of fats destroys the field of electrons that allow the cell membranes in our bodies to function properly. Without the proper metabolism of fats, every vital function and every organ is affected. This includes new cell regeneration, and the elimination of waste and toxins, which triggers various chronic diseases.

Not only is Dr Kousmine breakfast recipe delicious and highly nutritious, but it also enables your body to kick start the detoxification process upon rising.

Kousmine-Budwig breakfast recipe

– 4 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese (or yoghurt)

– 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed or organic sunflower oil

Mix the cottage cheese and the flaxseed oil in a bowl with a fork, until you obtain a rich, white and creamy blend.

Add to this mixture

– 1 small ripe banana (or 2 tsp honey)

– ½ lemon juice

– 2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds or 6 almonds, 6 hazelnuts, or any other type of nuts, excluding peanuts

– 2 tablespoons fresh whole-wheat rice, millet, buckwheat, oats (not oatmeal)

– 1 portion of seasonal fresh fruit. (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, apple etc..)

Grind the nuts, or flaxseed and the cereals. Crush the banana with a fork. Add all the ingredients to the cottage cheese and mix well.

A part from being a rich source of calcium, iron & zinc, this breakfast is rich in linolenic acid (healthy fats) and provides substantial levels of vitamins and minerals. The combination of these ingredients is what makes this recipe particularly efficient.

Dr Kousmine diet is based on 5 principles amongst them a healthy diet and a healthy colon. She recommended intestinal cleanses, including enemas and colon cleansing.

France Guillain, who wrote 2 books on the Detox Bath method, particularly recommends combining the Kousmine breakfast with the Detox Bath for a highly effective natural daily detox. The ‘good fats’, contained in this breakfast act as the vehicle which -aided by the the Detox Bath- transports the ‘bad fats’ into the intestines for elimination. This breakfast will boost the action of the Detox Bath and increase its effectiveness.

The Detox Bath is based on an ancestral detox and healing technique which has been proven to encourage toxin, waste and fat elimination. It’s working principle is to refresh the core area of the body (groin) during 10 minutes daily on average. This process creates a vibration in the fascia (interconnecting tissue covering all internal organs), which sets in motion a roll-back effect transporting waste, fat and deposited toxins back to the intestines, where they are later eliminated. The benefits of this simple technique are numerous and include:

Toxin, fat and cellulite elimination

Improved digestion and natural constipation relief

Improved natural restful sleep,

Mood and energy boost

Clear skin and radiant complexion.

Randa Khalil


Mar 9

About 110 calories for more banana nutritional info

Mar 8
The Blood Type Diet
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Nutrition | icon4 03 8th, 2009| icon36 Comments »


This nutrition plan was created by Peter D`Adamo, and is based on the blood types.

For people with O-type blood , the recommended diet is low-carbohydrate, low in diary products, and high in proteins from meat and fish. The specific foods that must be avoided by people with this blood type are oranges, avocados, and Brazil nuts.

People with A-type blood should not eat red meat. Fish, vegetables, and a low dairy intake are allowed. These people should also do only light exercises.

Blood type B people should eat plenty of meat, dairy food, fruits, vegetables, and some fish. People with this blood type should avoid bacon and chicken.

People with AB-type blood should combine the diets from A- and B-types blood .

A sample diet specific to A-type blood :

Breakfast should include grapefruit juice, coffee, herbal tea, water with lemon, or oatmeal with soy milk. At lunch apples, one slice of wheat bread, or a Greek salad are allowed. For lunch, a herbal tea is indicated. As a snack, people with A-type blood should eat two plums, green tea, or two rice cakes. For dinner, they may try frozen yogurt, broccoli, herbal tea, Tofu Pesto Lasagna, or red wine.

A sample meal plan for B type blood :

Breakfast should contain grape juice, rice bran cereal with banana, fluidizer cocktail, or skim milk. To read the rest of this article, go to an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, carbs counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.

(c) 2007. All rights reserved.

Andrea Pelin


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