Mar 30

What are some facts about bananas?

I am writing a persuasive speech on why you should eat bananas. I have found some interesting facts however am asking many people for some input. All comments would be appreciated!

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose – combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proved that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout.

No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. A banana can help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must for our daily diet.

Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND among people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

PMS: Forget the pills – eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Mar 29

Banana Margarita Glass by LolitaBanana Margarita Glass by Lolita

Discover the most unique glassware line in the world today, themed margarita glasses designed by Lolita! Each hand painted margarita glass features a design inspired by a delicious margarita recipe, which is printed on the bottom of the glass! These are truly functional collectibles, make a terrific gift, and create instant conversation. Each margarita glass comes distinctively gift boxed.

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Mar 28





Video of a banana spider eating a grub FAQ: Q: How did the grub get into the web? A: I put it there Q: Why is this featured? A: Because they couldn’t feature the real version, shown below as a movie response, due to the music is has in it.

FULL VERSION IS HERE: It’s much longer, and has music. Sorry for the confusion. Want to learn more about it? Go here:

Duration : 0:1:9

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Mar 27

Ok, true/facts= sabahan use the banana tree as vegetables and its delicious… maybe you guys can try it… I am serious….

Uh, I don’t exactly see myself chewing on a mango tree… but yes we do eat banana “trees” (see below recipe) and some of the many banana varieties here in Sabah have a mango taste…

Here is the traditional recipe for Jaruk Sagut, the Rungus name for a pickle (jaruk) of banana trunk (sagut) and shrimp, as prepared by the Rungus and Dusun of the north of Sabah:


•2 sagut – banana trunks*, pith only

•2 daun sebilikan (a sour tasting leaf found in forests – optional)

•1 bowl of tipun – dried shrimp

•6 to 8 limes

•Salt, Chilli to taste


1.Extract the pith of the banana trunks: use only the last two stems of the very core of the trunk, they are the whitest and juiciest

2.Cut pith into 2-3 mm slices, thread and wash in water

3.Wash shrimp in water and soak for a while

4.Slice the daun sebilikan

5.Mix all ingredients with the lime juice

6.Add salt and chilli to taste

*banana trunks: any banana tree that has not yet flowered will do, but I was confirmed that the pisang rimba was the best. It is also the commonest banana variety growing wild and abundantly in abandoned rice-filed clearings. Its small fruits are rarely eaten by people, but they are a favourite with the monkeys.


Editors Comment – the banana is a plant, not a tree!

Mar 26 – In this video Kevin makes a smoothie with a banana, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranite. He also adds some hemp protein for good measure. Checkout more videos and articles on

Duration : 9 min 16 sec

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Mar 25

Nicholas Gillit, Ph.D, summarizes banana nutrition facts.

Duration : 0:1:7

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Mar 23

Luna Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana, 1.27 lb

Recovery Smoothie Strawberry Banana

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Mar 22

CHEF JAY\'S Tri-O-Plex Bar Banana Walnut 12 barsCHEF JAY’S Tri-O-Plex Bar Banana Walnut 12 bars

Chef Jay’s Trioplex Bar is a great tasting, nutritious alternative protein bar for all sugar-conscious people – high in taste, high in protein, high in fiber, low in sugars. If you prefer that your nutrition bar’s carbohydrates primarily come from natural whole grain rolled oats rather than corn syrup or maltitol and glycerine, then this is the bar for you. Tri-o-plex

History: Chef Jay Littmann, founder of the OatBar and the all new Tri-O-Plex bar, bought a little muffin shop when he grew weary of working for the hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada. Because he was into fitness, he concentrated on fat free and protein muffins which he sold to the local health clubs. One of his accounts, a local diet center, asked him to create a bar of oats and raisins for their customers, he tried different recipes and finally came up with a flavor he was satisfied with. After he started supplying that account with the bars, he introduced them to the health clubs.

Eventually he and his wife were overwhelmed with demand for the Oat Bars, so they eliminated all other products but the Oat Bar. After years of perfecting the high-energy OatBar, Chef Jay just recently began releasing his brand new high-protein Tri-O-Plex bar! Chef Jay’s Trioplex Bar bar is a great tasting, nutritious alternative protein bar for all those carb conscious people, high in taste, high in protein, low in carbs.

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Mar 21
Banana Facts
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Facts | icon4 03 21st, 2009| icon33 Comments »

Banana Facts!

Is it more then just a fruit?

Duration : 0:3:31

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Mar 20
Banana Facts!
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Facts, Banana Nutrition | icon4 03 20th, 2009| icon31 Comment »

How much calories and nutrition do bananas? Whats the best brand? Dohls? and is there a difference between the bananas here in the U.S. than bananas in the Carribean? How?

Banana calories depend on the size of the fruit, whether it is raw or cooked, and what type of banana it is. Your typical, average banana, small, is around 80 calories. A medium banana can have about 110, while a large can be about 160. This may seem high for fruit, but bananas are incredibly easy for us to digest and have lots of potassium.

Calories will vary between the types, as well. There are pepper bananas, sugar bananas, dessert bananas (these are the common store ones), and plaintain bananas (these cannot be eaten raw), and many more.

Chiquita brand bananas are some of the best, along with Dole and Del Monte. The difference between bananas in the U.S. and the Caribbean would simply be freshness, and possibly pesticides or fertilizers used to grow them.

Companies that ship thousands of banana bunches daily need large plantations and fast growing, without the risk of infestation, and therefore pesticides and fertilizers will be used quite a bit. Thankfully for us, bananas come with thick skin and so pesticide ingestion isn’t much of a problem.

Hope this helps.

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