Jan 17
Peanut Butter Banana??
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Recipes | icon4 01 17th, 2009| icon3No Comments »

Well now – I am not sure about this one – maybe…


I would be interested to hear what YOU think…

Jan 7

Banana sorbet is a great way to use up those bananas that are very ripe and you have not had time to eat. The sorbet can be substituted for ice cream and is delicious sprinkled with chopped nuts, or served on a bed or pureed berries or kiwifruit.


1 ripe banana
A drop or two of vanilla (optional)


1. Peel the banana and cut it into chunks.

2. Place the chunks, uncovered, on a tray or plate in the freezer for an hour or more (overnight is fine).

3. When you would like to serve, take out the banana and put the frozen pieces into a blender or food processor, until smooth.

4. Scrape down the sides as necessary until the banana texture becomes smooth and creamy.

5. Serve in a dish and decorate to your taste.

Banana Sorbet Serves 1 Can be simply multiplied for more servings.

Jan 6
Bananas Foster
icon1 Banana Site | icon2 Banana Pudding | icon4 01 6th, 2009| icon3No Comments »

Jan 4

This is your perfect dessert for those warm evenings cooking meals on the barbeque. Serve with cream or ice-cream. The kids, large and small will love them.


4 firm bananas

125gm dark chocolate chips


2/5 cup lemon juice

4 teaspoons brown sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

4 teaspoons butter


  1. Peel bananas and slice lengthwise down the centre, cutting only of the way through.

  1. Fill each cavity with chocolate chips.

  1. Press the cavity back into place.

  1. Place each banana on a separate sheet of foil and brush generously with lemon juice.

  1. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over the top.

  1. Dot each one with a teaspoon of butter.

  1. Wrap edges of foil securely and barbeque over moderate heat for 8 to 10 minutes, turning 3 to 4 times or until the chocolate has melted and the banana is tender.